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GROQ COMMUNITY We are a meme token community inspired by the GROQ AI story! INSPIRED BY GROQ AI AND ITS CEO JONATHAN ROSS Follow: Telegram: Contact Us:

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什麼是 $GROQ

Missed out on GROK? Here is your chance to buy GROQ! The better AI version of GROK. Groq Inc was founded in 2016 way before grok was released! Groq and xAI are in different, but related businesses. Groq is making the chips that make it possible for any generative AI model to be insanely fast (their demo is on Llama 2), but they’re both in the AI business.

World’s Fastest Inference

Groq has demonstrated 18x faster LLM inference performance on Anyscale’s LLMPerf Leaderboard compared to top cloud-based providers.

In our first public benchmark, Meta AI’s Llama 2 70B running on the Groq LPU™ Inference Engine outperformed all other cloud-based inference providers at up to 18x faster for output tokens throughput.


GROQ AI has actually been around longer than GROK (GROK AI was established in 2016)

GROQ AI chip uses knowledge from deep learning to make new predictions for data lightning speed.

What does this mean? The his means GROQ AI is 10x faster, uses 10x less energy, is 10x cheaper, and brings software to market 20x faster than anything else out there!

Imagine what this could mean in the real world?? Could GROQ AI help:

-bring drugs to market faster? For instance, helping cure cancer!?
-use predictive models to predict patient behavior around drugs and even reduce the risk of addiction or overdose?
-help security teams find breaches faster? Maybe in seconds instead of hours or days!!

So many use cases!

Now here is the fun part! Did GROK take GROQ AIs name? This is the question that even Jonathan Ross at GROQ AI wants to know as shown below in recent cease and desist letter:

GROQ image 0

Why Groq?

Groq is on a mission to set the standard for GenAI inference speed, helping real-time AI applications come to life today.


Groq was founded in 2016 and our name was officially trademarked in the same year.

If you’ve heard the rumor our inception started pool-side, you heard correctly! All those years ago, we were the first to go by Groq (more on that here) and were born with the vision of making AI accessible for all.


Groq is based in Mountain View, CA with Groqsters (what we call our teammates) worldwide. While we have brick-and-mortar locations, we’re everywhere from San Diego to Austin to New York City, with concentrations of Groqsters in Silicon Valley, Toronto, Liberty Lake, and London.

What is the LPU Inference Engine?

An LPU Inference Engine, with LPU standing for Language Processing Unit™, is a new type of end-to-end processing unit system that provides the fastest inference for computationally intensive applications with a sequential component to them, such as AI language applications (LLMs).

Why is it so much fast than GPUs for LLMs and GenAI?

The LPU is designed to overcome the two LLM bottlenecks: compute density and memory bandwidth. An LPU has greater compute capacity than a GPU and CPU in regards to LLMs. This reduces the amount of time per word calculated, allowing sequences of text to be generated much faster. Additionally, eliminating external memory bottlenecks enables the LPU Inference Engine to deliver orders of magnitude better performance on LLMs compared to GPUs.

For a more technical read about our architecture, download our ISCA-awarded 2020 and 2022 papers.

Does Groq run standard machine learning (ML) frameworks?

Groq supports standard machine learning (ML) frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, and ONNX for inference. Groq does not currently support ML training with the LPU Inference Engine.

For custom development, the GroqWare™ suite, including Groq Compiler, offers a push-button experience to get models up and running quickly. For optimizing workloads, we offer the ability to hand code to the Groq architecture and fine-grained control of any GroqChip™ processor, enabling customers the ability to develop custom applications and maximize their performance.

How do I get started Using Groq?

We’re excited you want to get started with Groq. Here are some of the fastest ways to get up and running:

  • GroqCloud: Request API access to run LLM applications in a token-based pricing model
  • Groq Compiler: Compile your current application to see detailed performance, latency, and power utilization metrics. Request access via our Customer Portal.
  • Interested in purchasing on-prem hardware? Contact us.

$GROQ 是誰在何時部署的?

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如何在交易所購買 $GROQ 代幣

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如何在交易所購買 $GROQ 代幣 - 認證您的帳戶


輸入您的個人資訊並上傳附有照片的有效身分證件,以認證身分。您的 Bitget 帳戶完成身分認證後,即可新增信用卡/簽帳金融卡或銀行帳戶。

如何在交易所購買 $GROQ 代幣 - 充值 USDT


將您帳戶持有的 USDT 兌換為 $GROQ。如果您沒有 USDT,可以直接使用信用卡/簽帳金融卡/銀行帳戶快速購買貨幣,或從您的錢包轉入。

如何在交易所購買 $GROQ 代幣 - 將 USDT 兌換成 $GROQ

將 USDT 兌換成 $GROQ

前往現貨市場,將 USDT 兌換為 $GROQ。

如何透過錢包購買 ethereum meme coins 的代幣 $GROQ

如何透過錢包購買 ethereum meme coins 的代幣 $GROQ - 建立錢包


從 App Store 或 Google Play 商店免費下載 Bitget Wallet 或您偏好的錢包。電腦版用戶可從 下載 Google Chrome 瀏覽器擴充功能。

如何透過錢包購買 ethereum meme coins 的代幣 $GROQ - 充值 USDT


將您 Bitget Wallet 持有的 USDT 兌換為 $GROQ。如果您沒有 USDT,可以直接透過 Bitget Wallet 購買,或從其他錢包轉入,也可從 Bitget 交易所購買再轉入您的錢包。

如何透過錢包購買 ethereum meme coins 的代幣 $GROQ - 前往 Uniswap

前往 Uniswap

連結 Uniswap。使用 Google Chrome 瀏覽器或 Bitget Wallet 錢包內建的瀏覽器造訪 Uniswap。連結您的錢包。將 $GROQ 代幣地址貼上到 Uniswap,選擇 $GROQ,並確認。依照 Bitget Wallet 的提示輸入錢包簽名。

如何透過錢包購買 ethereum meme coins 的代幣 $GROQ - 將 USDT 兌換為 $GROQ

將 USDT 兌換為 $GROQ

將 USDT 兌換為 $GROQ,隨後即可在 Bitget Wallet 中查看 $GROQ。

$GROQ 代幣經濟



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什麼是 MEME 幣呢?
MEME 幣是一種具有高度投機性,並受到某些熱情的線上社群所支持的加密貨幣。MEME 幣就是那種主要透過社群媒體,或是網路迷因的使用而流行的加密貨幣。許多 MEME 幣也是被當作一個笑話而建立的。例如:DOGE 和 SHIB 使用流行的 Doge 迷因,作為他們的吉祥物和靈感。 「MEME 幣」是一個術語,是指以角色、人物、動物、藝術品,或是任何其他可以模仿的東西而命名的加密貨幣。大多數都獲得了熱情的線上交易員和粉絲的支持,並且通常都是輕鬆愉快的。
知名的 MEME 幣有哪些呢?
根據 CoinMarketCap 公佈的數據,MEME 幣總市值超過 100 億美元。 此平台已經列出了數百種註冊的 MEME 幣,其中最大的是狗狗幣(DOGE),它受到伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)的認可,還有目前排名第八大的加密貨幣,Shiba Inu(SHIB),以及 pepe(PEPE)、Bone ShibaSwap(BONE)等等。 DOGE 是在 2013 年時建立的,目標是調侃 比特幣 (BTC)的複雜度,它就是市值最大的加密貨幣。
什麼會影響 MEME 幣的價格呢?
MEME 幣的價格主要會受到 MEME 幣社群中供需關係的影響。由於 MEME 幣主要是為了社群目的和娛樂而建立的,因此它們的供需高度依賴社會趨勢和投資者情緒。 例如:當馬斯克在推特上發布有關加密貨幣的推文,甚至當他發布自家柴犬的照片時,DOGE 或 SHIB 的價格往往會飆升。
MEME 幣是一項好的投資嗎?
MEME 幣可能是一項有風險的投資,但它的利潤也可能很可觀。如果您正在考慮投資 MEME 幣,請務必自行研究,並只投資您相信的幣種。0 人贊助創作者
如何購買 MEME 幣呢?
請在 Bitget 網站或 App 上免費建立帳戶。Bitget 是一家中心化交易所,您可以在其中購買多種加密貨幣,包含 MEME 幣。在使用 Bitget 平台的產品服務之前,您需要開設帳戶,並驗證您的身分。