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/Reach narxi

/Reach narxREACH

Kotirovka valyutasi:

Bugun /Reach haqida qanday fikrdasiz?

Izoh: Ushbu ma'lumot faqat ma'lumot uchun.

/Reachning bugungi narxi

/Reach ning joriy narxi bugungi kunda (REACH / USD) uchun $0.02101, joriy kapitallashuvi $0.00 USD. 24 soatlik savdo hajmi $2.39M USD. REACH dan USD gacha, narx real vaqtda yangilanadi. /Reach oxirgi 24 soat ichida -6.99%. Muomaladagi hajm 0 .

REACHning eng yuqori narxi qancha?

REACH barcha vaqtlardagi eng yuqori ko'rsatkichga ega (ATH) $0.1631 bo'lib, 2023-12-18 tomonidan qayd etilgan.

REACH ning eng past narxi qancha?

REACH barcha vaqtlardagi eng past ko'rsatkichga ega (ATL) $0.001105, 2025-02-15 da qayd etilgan.
/Reach foydasini hisoblang

/Reach narx bashorati

2026 da REACH narxi qanday bo'ladi?

REACH tarixiy narx bajarilishini bashorat qilish modeli asosida REACH narxi 2026 da $0.01411 ga yetishi prognoz qilinmoqda.

2031 da REACH narxi qanday bo'ladi?

2031 da REACH narxi +44.00% ga o'zgarishi kutilmoqda. 2031 oxiriga kelib, REACH narxi $0.04377 ga yetishi prognoz qilinmoqda, jami ROI +43.75%.

/Reach narx tarixi (USD)

/Reach narxi o'tgan yil davomida -76.64% ni tashkil qiladi. O'tgan yildagi ning USD dagi eng yuqori narxi $0.1161 va o'tgan yildagi ning USD dagi eng past narxi $0.001105 edi.
VaqtNarx o'zgarishi (%)Narx o'zgarishi (%)Eng past narxTegishli vaqt oralig'ida {0}ning eng past narxi.Eng yuqori narx Eng yuqori narx
Hamma vaqt-30.21%$0.001105(2025-02-15, 9 kun oldin )$0.1631(2023-12-18, 1 yil avval )

/Reach bozor ma’lumotlari

/Reachning bozor qiymati tarixi

Bozor kapitali
To’liq suyultirilgan bozor kapitali
Bozor reytinglari
/Reach ni hozir sotib oling

/Reach kontsentratsiya bo'yicha xoldinglar

Chakana savdo

Saqlash vaqti bo'yicha /Reach manzil

Jonli (12) narx grafigi

/Reach reyting

Jamiyatning o'rtacha baholari
100 reyting
Ushbu kontent faqat ma'lumot olish uchun mo'ljallangan.

/Reach (REACH) haqida

Ren nima?

/Reach - bu SocialFi (Ijtimoiy moliya) ekotizimidir, u ijodkorlar va hamjamiyat a'zolarining raqamli makonda o'zaro munosabatini qayta aniqlashga qaratilgan. Asosan, /Reach platformalar boʻylab ijodkorlar duch keladigan muhim muammoni hal qiladi: soxta ishtiroklarning keng tarqalganligi va anʼanaviy jalb etish usullarining samarasizligi. Blockchain texnologiyasidan foydalangan holda, /Reach haqiqiy o'zaro ta'sirlarni rivojlantirish uchun yangi yondashuvni taqdim etadi, bu esa ijodkorlarning soxta ta'sir o'tkazuvchilar yoki haqiqiy jalb eta olmaydigan agentliklarga tayanmasdan faol va tegishli auditoriya bilan bog'lanishini ta'minlaydi.

Platforma jamiyat ichidagi haqiqiy, mazmunli hissalarni taqdirlash tamoyili asosida ishlaydi. Ijodkorlar tomonidan moslashtirilgan missiyalar tizimi orqali ishtirokchilar, birinchi navbatda, X platformasida (odatda Twitter nomi bilan tanilgan) kuzatish, yoqtirishlar, retvitlar va sharhlar kabi faoliyat bilan shug'ullanishlari mumkin. Ushbu missiyalar nafaqat haqiqiy ishtirokni osonlashtiradi, balki Ethereum (ETH) va ballarda mukofotlarni taklif qiladi, ishtirokchilarni jamiyatga qiymat qo'shishga rag'batlantiradi.


Official Documents:

Rasmiy veb-sayt:

/Reach qanday ishlaydi?

/Reach operatsion modeli ijodkorlar va ularning auditoriyasi o'rtasidagi qiymat almashinuvini demokratlashtirish uchun mo'ljallangan. Muayyan maqsadlarga ega missiyalarni o'rnatish orqali ijodkorlar o'z hamjamiyatlari bilan bevosita aloqada bo'lishlari mumkin, bu ularning mazmuni qiziqqan va jalb qilingan shaxslarga yetib borishini ta'minlaydi. Ushbu topshiriqlarni bajargan ishtirokchilar hissasi qiymatini aks ettiruvchi /Reach ballari bilan taqdirlanadilar. Bu ochkolar lotereyaga kirish boʻlib xizmat qiladi va Ethereum mukofotlarini yutib olish imkoniyatini beradi va shu bilan faol ishtirok etish uchun jozibali ragʻbat yaratadi.

Bundan tashqari, /Reach asl shovqinlarni ta'minlash va avtomatlashtirilgan tizimlarning ta'sirini yumshatish uchun ilg'or anti-bot choralari va ulanishni tekshirish jarayonlarini amalga oshiradi. Ushbu yondashuv nafaqat foydalanuvchi tajribasini yaxshilaydi, balki platformaning umumiy yaxlitligi va qiymat taklifiga hissa qo'shadi va uni haqiqiy ijtimoiy tarmoq va hamkorlik uchun ishonchli maydonga aylantiradi.

REACH tokeni nima?

REACH /Reach platformasining yordamchi tokenidir. Bu foydalanuvchilarga eksklyuziv xususiyatlardan foydalanish, tranzaktsiyalarni amalga oshirish va /Reach hamjamiyatida boshqaruv qarorlarida ishtirok etish imkonini beradi. U jami 100 million token ta'minotiga ega.

Ren narxini nima aniqlaydi?

REACH tokenining narxi, har qanday kriptovalyuta singari, blokcheyn ekotizimida uning talabi, foydaliligi va bozor kayfiyatini aks ettiruvchi ko'plab omillar ta'sir qiladi. Asosiy hal qiluvchi omillarga uning qabul qilish darajasi, /Reach platformasining umumiy ishlashi va kriptovalyuta sektoridagi kengroq bozor tendentsiyalari kiradi. Investorlar va foydalanuvchilar 2024 yilda REACH narxlari prognozlarini diqqat bilan kuzatib boradilar, uning tarixiy narxlar jadvallarini o'rganadilar va o'zgaruvchan bozor sharoitlari fonida uning potentsialini munosib sarmoya sifatida tahlil qiladilar. Tokenning /Reach ekotizimidagi foydaliligi oshgani sayin va u kengroq blokcheyn hamjamiyatining e'tiborini jalb qilar ekan, bu omillar birgalikda REACH bahosini shakllantiradi, investorlar va foydalanuvchilarni ushbu raqamli aktiv bo'yicha qaror qabul qilish jarayonida boshqaradi.

Renga sarmoya kiritish yoki savdo qilishga qiziquvchilar uchun: RENni qayerdan sotib olish kerak? Siz kriptovalyuta ixlosmandlari uchun xavfsiz va foydalanuvchilarga qulay platformani taklif qiluvchi Bitget kabi yetakchi birjalarda SWCH sotib olishingiz mumkin.

/Reach(REACH) qanday sotib olinadi

Bepul Bitget hisobingizni yarating

Bepul Bitget hisobingizni yarating

Bitgetda elektron pochta manzilingiz/mobil telefon raqamingiz bilan ro'yxatdan o'ting va hisobingizni himoya qilish uchun kuchli parol yarating.
Hisobingizni tasdiqlang

Hisobingizni tasdiqlang

Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni to'ldirib va haqiqiy fotosuratli shaxsni tasdiqlovchi hujjatni yuklab, shaxsingizni tasdiqlang.
/Reach (REACH) sotib oling

/Reach (REACH) sotib oling

Bitget orqali /Reach xarid qilish uchun turli to'lov variantlaridan foydalaning. Buni qanday qilishni sizga ko'rsatamiz.

Elita treyderlarini kuzatib borish orqali REACH nusxasi savdosiga qo'shiling.

Bitgetda ro'yxatdan o'tganingizdan va USDT yoki REACH tokenlarini muvaffaqiyatli sotib olganingizdan so'ng, siz elita treyderlarini kuzatib, nusxa savdosini ham boshlashingiz mumkin.

/Reach yangiliklar

Spot marja savdo aksiyamizda 9000+ USDT yutib oling!
Spot marja savdo aksiyamizda 9000+ USDT yutib oling!

Spot marja savdo aksiyamizda 9360 USDT gacha yutib oling va agar siz yangi foydalanuvchi bo'lsangiz, Sirli qutini oching! Ro'yxatdan o'tish Aksiya muddati: 5 Noyabr, 2024, 15:00 – 20 Noyabr, 2024, 15:00 (UZT) 1-faoliyat: Yangi foydalanuvchi imtiyozi Aksiya davomida 100 USDT yoki undan ko'proq birin

Bitget Announcement2024-11-05 10:00
Ko'proq /Reach yangilanishlari

Bitgetda yangi listinglar

Yangi listinglar


/Reach ning hozirgi narxi qancha?

/Reachning jonli narxi (REACH/USD) uchun $0.02, joriy bozor qiymati $0 USD. Kripto bozorida 24/7 doimiy faoliyat tufayli /Reach qiymati tez-tez o'zgarib turadi. /Reachning real vaqtdagi joriy narxi va uning tarixiy maʼlumotlari Bitget’da mavjud.

/Reach ning 24 soatlik savdo hajmi qancha?

Oxirgi 24 soat ichida /Reach savdo hajmi $2.39M.

/Reachning eng yuqori koʻrsatkichi qancha?

/Reachning eng yuqori ko‘rsatkichi $0.1631. Bu /Reach ishga tushirilgandan beri eng yuqori narx hisoblanadi.

Bitget orqali /Reach sotib olsam bo'ladimi?

Ha, /Reach hozirda Bitget markazlashtirilgan birjasida mavjud. Batafsil koʻrsatmalar uchun foydali qanday sotib olinadi qoʻllanmamizni koʻrib chiqing.

/Reach ga sarmoya kiritish orqali barqaror daromad olsam bo'ladimi?

Albatta, Bitget savdolaringizni avtomatlashtirish va daromad olish uchun aqlli savdo botlari bilan strategik savdo platformasi ni taqdim etadi.

Eng past toʻlov bilan /Reach ni qayerdan sotib olsam boʻladi?

strategik savdo platformasi endi Bitget birjasida mavjud ekanligini ma’lum qilishdan mamnunmiz. Bitget treyderlar uchun foydali investitsiyalarni ta'minlash uchun sanoatning yetakchi savdo to'lovlari va tubanligini taklif qiladi.

/Reach (REACH) ni qayerdan sotib olsam bo'ladi?

Bitget ilovasida kripto sotib oling
Kredit karta yoki bank o'tkazmasi orqali kripto sotib olish uchun bir necha daqiqada ro'yxatdan o'ting.
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Bitgetda savdo qilish
Bitgetga kriptovalyutalaringizni depozit qiling va yuqori likvidlik va past savdo to'lovlaridan bahramand bo'ling.

Video bo'limi — tezkor tekshiruv, tezkor savdo

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Bitgetda shaxsni tasdqilashni qanday yakunlash va o'zingizni firibgarlikdan himoya qilish kerak
1. Bitget hisobingizga kiring.
2. Agar siz Bitgetda yangi bo'lsangiz, hisob yaratish bo'yicha o'quv qo'llanmamizni tomosha qiling.
3. Profilingiz belgisiga kursorni olib keling, "Tasdiqlanmagan" tugmasini bosing va "Tasdiqlash" tugmasini bosing.
4. Chiqaruvchi mamlakat yoki mintaqa va ID turini tanlang va ko'rsatmalarga amal qiling.
5. O'zingizning xohishingizga ko'ra "Mobil tekshiruv" yoki "Kompyuter" ni tanlang.
6. Ma'lumotlaringizni kiriting, shaxsingizni tasdiqlovchi hujjat nusxasini yuboring va selfi oling.
7. Arizangizni yuboring va bo'ldi, siz shaxsingizni tasdiqlashni tugatdingiz!
Kriptovalyutalarga sarmoya kiritish, jumladan Bitgetda onlayn /Reach xarid qilish xavflarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Bitget /Reach sotib olishning oson va qulay usullarini taklif etadi va birjada ko'rsatilgan kriptovalyuta haqida to'liq ma'lumot berishga harakat qiladi. Biroq, biz /Reach xaridingizdan kelib chiqadigan natijalar uchun javobgar emasmiz. Taqdim etilgan barcha ma'lumotlar xarid uchun tavsiya etilmaydi.




1 REACH = 0.02101 USD
Bitget barcha yirik savdo platformalari orasida eng past tranzaksiya to'lovlarini taklif qiladi. Sizning VIP darajangiz qanchalik yuqori bo'lsa, tariflar shunchalik qulay bo'ladi.

Bitget Insaytlari

PYTH Approaches Critical Resistance—Will $1.00 Be the Next Target?
Pyth Network (PYTH) is showing indications of a potential reversal rally, with market observers watching keenly in a falling wedge pattern. The coin has gained 14.59% over the past week, sparking speculation about a potential breakout that would take its price significantly higher. In a recent tweet on X The Crypto Titan has provided recent insights on PYTH, and in them, they believe the asset has already bottomed and is about to move upward. PYTH is said in the post to currently be underpriced, and a move above the falling wedge could see its price reach $1.00. $PYTH (Weekly) IMO, the $PYTH reversal rally 📈 is started, after being bottomed out inside the falling wedge in the weekly timeframe✅. IMO, 1$ for $PYTH is nothing & right now it's way Cheaper💎 #pyth #Python #btc #bitcoin #crypto #CryptoTrading #thecryptotitans PYTH’s price action has been in a falling wedge, a setup with lower highs and lower lows. The recent bounce on the lower trendline is a testament to high demand, with the next significant level of resistance at $0.40. Analysts predict a potential breakout above the level could see a price move of as high as 210%, hitting a level of $1.00. Alternatively, a failure in a breakout could see a pullback and consolidation. The Stochastic RSI reading at 9.22 and 3.80 signals PYTH is in overbought. It is a hint a potential upward move is imminent in the case of a crossover. Moreover, the Directional Movement Index (DMI) shows a looming crossover of +DI (14.49) and -DI (14.23), and in case of a confirmation, could signal buyers regaining command. The ADX level of 22.82 signals a decelerating trend but a breakout could strengthen momentum. Traders are watching the area around $0.30-$0.35 as a potential area where a breakout could occur. If PYTH moves above here, the stock could move on to reach around $0.50-$1.00 in the near future. Downward, a break above could see consolidation. At the time of writing, The price was at $0.2431 with a market capitalization over the last 24 hours at $74,758,403. It is a gain over the day of 2.65%. DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.
Dogecoin Bounces From Key Fibonacci Level, Eyes Significant Price Targets
Dogecoin is presently showing marked price action as it rebounds from a crucial technical level. The cryptocurrency is changing around the Fibonacci golden zone at the 0.618 level, positioned at $0.20083. This area has historically been significant in technical analysis as it often signals a potential shift in market trends. According to Rose Signals observation, Dogecoin traded at $0.25737, rebounding from the Fibo Zone 1 near $0.20083. Prices declined from $0.41712 to $0.25090 before reaching the support zone. Targets indicate potential rises to $0.49931 (T1), $0.57406 (T2), and $0.65437 (T3). The 0.618 Fibonacci level stood at $0.24737, with strong buying pressure observed near this area. A further sustained rally could see the price reach the third target (T3) of $0.65437. These levels are based on technical indicators and provide reference points for market participants monitoring potential price action. A critical aspect of Dogecoin’s current trajectory involves overcoming certain resistance levels. Price movement beyond these points is considered essential for confirming a trend reversal. Market data indicates that breaking through resistance could solidify bullish momentum. Traders are focused on whether Dogecoin can maintain upward pressure as it tests these resistance zones. The Fibonacci retracement belongs to several widespread technical analysis tools that traders use to predict price movements. Marketers find the 0.618 retracement level both known as the golden zone to contain particular significance. The price direction needs careful evaluation because Dogecoin currently positions itself in a critical market zone. Market sentiment can be examined through short-term and long-term perspectives by tracking these technical levels according to analysts. Dogecoin now stands at an essential point as it rebounds from its $0.20083 Fibonacci level. Market participants follow three price targets at $0.49931, $0.57406 and $0.65437 as they watch Dogecoin test resistant price zones. Future price movements will depend significantly on technical indicators for their analysis. DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.
Cointribune EN
Cointribune EN
Ethereum’s Next Move : Rally To $6,000 Or Market Correction ?
The financial markets are full of analogies and historical patterns that analysts scrutinize closely to anticipate trends. In the crypto universe, the history of Bitcoin often serves as a compass for understanding the evolution of other major assets. Today, Ethereum appears to follow in the footsteps of BTC, mirroring the patterns of its third cycle. This parallel fuels speculation: if history repeats itself, ETH could soon cross a decisive threshold. The recent activity of large portfolios has highlighted a marked opposition between different market players. On one side, major investors, particularly via the Binance and Coinbase platforms, have acquired $12.98 million worth of Ethereum , confirming a pronounced bullish sentiment. Such accumulation during a consolidation period suggests these actors anticipate a price surge. In contrast, Golem Network has deployed a diametrically opposed strategy. By transferring 4,850 ETH, worth $13.26 million, to exchange platforms, this entity seems to have opted for a partial liquidation of its assets. A movement of this magnitude can have a significant impact on market dynamics, injecting selling pressure that tempers hopes for a rapid rise in ETH’s price. The divergent reactions of these institutional players illustrate the current duality of the market. On one hand, the optimism of buyers who bet on an imminent rally; on the other, the caution of sellers looking to take profits or reposition themselves amid economic uncertainties. Beyond market movements, technical analysts are observing a resemblance between the current evolution of Ethereum and Bitcoin’s third cycle. The latter had followed an extended consolidation phase, characterized by a converging triangle, before experiencing a spectacular surge. Today, Ethereum seems to be on a similar path. The same technical pattern appears on the charts, suggesting a potential bullish breakout. Some experts estimate that if this correlation holds, ETH could reach $6,000 in the short or medium term. However, such a scenario hinges on the assumption that the market will continue to reflect past cycles, a strategy not without risk. History never repeats itself identically. If Ethereum were to lose its key support or fail to break through certain resistances, the trend could reverse abruptly. That is why caution remains essential, as crypto markets are known for their extreme volatility and their ability to defy well-established forecasts. Investors find themselves facing a complex equation. On one hand, technical indicators and the accumulation of Ethereum by certain whales send strong bullish signals. On the other, liquidation movements and the fragility of a market still influenced by regulation and macroeconomics create uncertainties. If Ethereum continues its ascent in Bitcoin’s footsteps, breaking through $6,000 could serve as a catalyst for a new bullish momentum. Conversely, prolonged stagnation or an unexpected correction would highlight the limits of historical comparisons.
Crypto News Flash
Crypto News Flash
Ripple Rival Stellar (XLM) on the Brink – Price Surge or Collapse?
Despite bullish signals for Ripple (XRP) and Stellar (XLM) previously discussed in a CNF update, Stellar Lumens (XLM), the native cryptocurrency of the Stellar network, has recently experienced significant price fluctuations, drawing attention from investors and analysts alike. Technical analysis suggests a bullish outlook for XLM. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) stands at 74.10, indicating overbought territory, which could lead to a consolidation phase. Additionally, the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) has displayed a bullish crossover, typically a sign of continued upward movement. The Ichimoku Cloud analysis also supports bullish momentum, as XLM’s price remains above the cloud, with a green cloud formation ahead, signaling potential sustained growth. Beyond price movements, Stellar’s strategic initiatives have strengthened its position in the blockchain and financial sectors. The Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) has partnered with major financial entities such as Circle and MoneyGram , aiming to enhance cross-border payment solutions using Stellar’s low-cost and fast transaction capabilities. The integration of USD Coin (USDC) and real-time settlement features has expanded Stellar’s reach, potentially increasing XLM’s utility and demand. A CNF report analyzed how XRP and Stellar (XLM) led the market recovery in 2023. Analysts remain optimisticabout XLM’s future, with predictions suggesting that if momentum continues, XLM could reach $0.65 by the end of 2025 and potentially $1.32 by May 2025, marking a substantial price increase. These projections are contingent on sustained bullish trends and successful execution of Stellar’s strategic partnerships and technological advancements. Over the past week, XLM surged by approximately 32%, pushing its market capitalization above $13 billion. The rally began when XLM found support around the $0.31 mark, climbing 27% over three days, with a doubling in futures open interest, indicating heightened trader engagement and capital inflows. As of now, Stellar (XLM) is trading at approximately $0.3460, reflecting a 1.28% increase in the past day but a 1.21% decline over the past week. See XLM price chart below.
InsideBitcoin News
InsideBitcoin News
XRP Price Prediction: Ripple Token Plunges 3% As Traders Buy This Crypto Wallet ICO Closing On $11M
The XRP price plunged 3% in the last 24 hours to trade at $2.57 as of 11:28 p.m. EST on trading volume that rose 48% to $5.2 billion. The Ripple token’s performance continues to be volatile, driven by shifting sentiment around the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) case against the sale of XRP. Much of XRP’s recent strength comes from speculation that the SEC may abandon its appeal, allowing Ripple to operate without looming legal threats. Arthur Azizov, CEO at the crypto business B2BinPay, bullishly believes that XRP could reach a price range of $5 to $7 in the first half of 2025. The XRP price has been trading within an ascending channel on the 12-hour timeframe. The Ripple token price surged dramatically in late 2024 and has since been consolidating within this upward-sloping structure. The current price of $2.5759 is slightly below the midline of this channel, suggesting ongoing market indecision. The 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) at $2.6472 is acting as dynamic resistance, while the 200-period SMA at $2.3588 is serving as strong long-term support. The recent price action shows a bounce off the lower boundary of the channel, indicating that bulls are defending this level. Meanwhile, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 46.03, slightly below the neutral 50 level. This suggests a balance between bullish and bearish momentum, with no clear dominance from either side. If RSI moves above 50, it could confirm renewed bullish strength. XRP/USDT Chart Analysis (Tradingview) The overall trend remains bullish as long as the XRP price stays within the ascending channel. A break above $2.65 (50-day SMA) could lead to a move toward $3.00–$3.40, aligning with the upper channel resistance. Intense bullish pressure and fundamental pressure could push the price of XRP towards the $10 mark. However, if the price of XRP fails to hold the channel’s lower boundary and drops below the 200-day SMA at $2.35, this could trigger a bearish shift, possibly leading to a retest of $2.00. In the meantime, investors are flocking to buy Best Wallet (BEST) , which popular YouTuber ClayBro, with over 136K subscribers, says is one of the best crypto wallets for 2025. Best Wallet is a next-generation cryptocurrency wallet that lets users do everything from one app. The goal is to remove the fragmentation in the market and the clunky user experience offered by other crypto wallets such as MetaMask and Trust Wallet. Best Wallet is a multi-chain wallet that will support over 60 blockchains, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. The project continues to attract investors, who have poured over $10.3 million into the project. A key feature that sets Best Wallet apart is its “Upcoming Tokens” section, a presale aggregator that identifies high-potential projects. It’s establishing a strong track record after already flagging Pepe Unchained (PEPU) and Catslap (SLAP) , meme coins that provided returns of up to 700% and 7,000%, respectively, for early investors. After purchasing BEST, holders can also stake their tokens for a huge 157% annual return. Currently, BEST tokens are priced at $0.024075. Buy before a price hike in less than 12 hours to lock in the best deal. Buy BEST tokens .

Shunga o'xshash aktivlar

Mashhur kriptovalyutalar
Bozor kapitali bo'yicha eng yaxshi 8 kriptovalyuta tanlovi.
Yaqinda qo’shildi
Eng so’nggi qo’shilgan kriptovalyutalar.
Taqqoslanadigan bozor kapitali
Bitget aktivlari orasida ushbu 8 tasi bozor qiymati bo'yicha /Reach ga eng yaqin hisoblanadi.