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Cena Helium Mobile

Cena Helium MobileMOBILE

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Jakie jest Twoje dzisiejsze nastawienie do Helium Mobile?

Uwaga: te informacje mają wyłącznie charakter poglądowy.

Dzisiejsza cena Helium Mobile

Aktualna dzisiejsza cena Helium Mobile to $0.0005940 za (MOBILE / USD) przy obecnej kapitalizacji rynkowej równej -- USD. 24-godzinny wolumen obrotu wynosi $0.00 USD. Cena MOBILE do USD jest aktualizowana w czasie rzeczywistym. -0.17% dla Helium Mobile w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin. Ma podaż w obiegu wynoszącą -- .

Jaka jest najwyższa cena MOBILE?

MOBILE osiągnął rekordowy poziom (ATH) na poziomie $0.09000 w dniu .

Jaka jest najniższa cena MOBILE?

MOBILE osiągnął rekordowo niski poziom (ATL) na poziomie $0.0004730 w dniu .
Obliczanie zysku Helium Mobile

Prognoza ceny Helium Mobile

Jaka będzie cena MOBILE w 2026?

W oparciu o historyczny model przewidywania wyników cenowych MOBILE, przewiduje się, że cena MOBILE osiągnie $0.0006687 w 2026 roku.

Jaka będzie cena MOBILE w 2031?

Oczekuje się, że w 2031 cena MOBILE zmieni się o +15.00%. Ponadto spodziewa się, że do końca 2031 cena MOBILE osiągnie poziom $0.001225, a skumulowany ROI wyniesie +111.15%.

Historia cen Helium Mobile (USD)

Cena monety Helium Mobile odnotowała -83.49% w ciągu ostatniego roku. Najwyższa cena monety Mobile wyrażona w USD w ostatnim roku wyniosła $0.006857, a najniższa cena monety Mobile wyrażona w USD w ostatnim roku wyniosła $0.0004730.
CzasZmiana ceny (%)Zmiana ceny (%)Najniższa cenaNajniższa cena {0} w danym okresie.Najwyższa cena Najwyższa cena
Cały okres-70.30%$0.0004730(--, Dzisiaj )$0.09000(--, Dzisiaj )

Informacje rynkowe Helium Mobile

Historia kapitalizacji rynkowej Helium Mobile

Kapitalizacja rynkowa
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Rankingi rynkowe
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Posiadane Helium Mobile według koncentracji

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Adresy Helium Mobile według czasu posiadania

Wykres ceny na żywo

Oceny Helium Mobile

Średnie oceny od społeczności
Oceny 100
Ta treść została stworzona wyłącznie w celach informacyjnych.

Informacje o Helium Mobile (MOBILE)

Czym jest Helium Mobile?

Helium Mobile jest komponentem Helium Network, zdecentralizowanego, opartego na blockchainie projektu infrastruktury bezprzewodowej. Stworzona z myślą o demokratyzacji dostępu do łączności bezprzewodowej, Helium Mobile wykorzystuje solidny, skalowalny i bezpieczny blockchain Solana. Sieć ta umożliwia osobom i organizacjom wdrażanie i obsługę sieci bezprzewodowych, nagradzając je tokenami za ich wkład. Helium Network wykorzystuje dwa rodzaje tokenów: główny token HNT, oraz zaprojektowany specjalnie dla podsieci 5G token MOBILE. Token MOBILE odgrywa kluczową rolę w zarządzaniu tymi podsieciami 5G, generowanymi przez hotspoty 5G poprzez transfer danych i unikalny algorytm konsensusu znany jako Proof of Coverage (PoC).

Helium Network została założona w 2013 r. z misją stworzenia zdecentralizowanej infrastruktury bezprzewodowej zasilanej przez ludzi. Od momentu powstania znacznie ewoluowała, rozszerzając swój globalny zasięg i przyciągając różnorodnych użytkowników i deweloperów. Migracja sieci do blockchaina Solana stanowiła znaczący kamień milowy, zwiększając jej skalowalność i bezpieczeństwo, mające kluczowe znaczenie dla obsługi rosnącej liczby uczestników i transakcji w sieci. Helium Mobile, jako część tej sieci, jest liderem w zapewnianiu szybkiej łączności mobilnej, która obsługuje różnorodne innowacyjne aplikacje i usługi.


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Jak działa Helium Mobile?

Helium Mobile działa w ramach szerszej sieci Helium Network, systemu, który zachęca uczestników do dostarczania materiałów i dzielenia się korzyściami, tworząc w ten sposób zrównoważoną i rozproszoną sieć bezprzewodową. Unikalny algorytm konsensusu PoC sieci jest podstawą jej działania, nagradzający uczestników za weryfikację zasięgu sieci bezprzewodowej. Takie podejście zapewnia niezawodną i powszechną sieć, niezbędną do sprawnego funkcjonowania tokena MOBILE. Generowanie tokenów MOBILE przez hotspoty 5G jest dwojakie: poprzez działania związane z przesyłaniem danych i uczestnictwo w procesie Proof of Coverage. Rozwój sieci nie tylko zwiększa możliwości komunikacji bezprzewodowej, ale także rozpowszechnia dostęp do szybkiej łączności.

Zróżnicowany ekosystem Helium Network obejmuje właścicieli hotspotów, użytkowników urządzeń IoT, użytkowników urządzeń mobilnych i deweloperów, z których wszyscy przyczyniają się do rozwoju sieci i czerpią z niej korzyści. Zdecentralizowana infrastruktura sieci Helium, oparta na blockchainie Solana, zapewnia skalowalność, bezpieczeństwo i szeroki zakres przypadków użycia. Od urządzeń IoT połączonych za pośrednictwem sieci LoRaWAN po szybką łączność mobilną za pośrednictwem sieci 5G, Helium Mobile jest kluczowym graczem w tym rewolucyjnym podejściu do infrastruktury bezprzewodowej.

Czym jest token MOBILE?

Token MOBILE jest integralną częścią sieci Helium Mobile Network, wprowadzoną za pośrednictwem propozycji społeczności HIP-53. Jest on wydobywany przez 5G-CBRS i hotspoty WiFi, a jego proces wydobywania obejmuje zarówno wpływy z transferu danych, jak i udział w Proof of Coverage. Token istnieje na blockchainie Solana, z adresem mintu przeznaczonym specjalnie dla MOBILE. Token ten jest wspierany przez HNT i może być konwertowany na HNT, za pomocą aplikacji Helium Wallet służącej jako główna platforma do tej wymiany.

MOBILE podąża za harmonogramem mintowania podobnym do HNT, ale ma maksymalną podaż 230 miliardów tokenów. Harmonogram emisji obejmuje halvingi co dwa lata, co jest zbieżne z halvingami emisji HNT. Dystrybucja tokenów MOBILE jest przypisana do różnych działań w sieci, w tym Proof of Coverage, Hotspot Data, Mappers, Service Providers i Oracles. Ten ustrukturyzowany harmonogram emisji zapewnia zrównoważony i trwały rozwój Helium Mobile Network, przyczyniając się do realizacji jej celu, jakim jest zrewolucjonizowanie krajobrazu komunikacji bezprzewodowej.

Co decyduje o cenie Helium Mobile?

Cena Helium Mobile, głównego komponentu sieci Helium, zależy od złożonej interakcji czynników typowych dla rynków kryptowalut i blockchain. Kluczowym z nich jest popyt i podaż rynkowa, fundamentalna zasada ekonomiczna, która ma również zastosowanie do aktywów cyfrowych, takich jak Helium Mobile. Wraz z rozwojem sieci i wzrostem liczby użytkowników korzystających z hotspotów 5G, popyt na token MOBILE rośnie, potencjalnie podnosząc jego cenę. Sytuacja odwrotna czyli nadpodaż lub zmniejszony popyt może prowadzić do spadku cen. Ponadto wydajność sieci, odzwierciedlona w jej skalowalności, bezpieczeństwie i efektywności - dzięki integracji z Solana Blockchain - również odgrywa kluczową rolę. Inwestorzy i użytkownicy ściśle monitorują te aspekty, często wykorzystując wykresy historyczne i analizy danych do przewidywania przyszłych trendów. Unikalne cechy sieci, takie jak Proof of Coverage i jej zdecentralizowany charakter, dodatkowo zwiększają jej atrakcyjność, wpływając na jej wycenę rynkową.

Innym istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na cenę Helium Mobile jest szerszy sentyment na rynku kryptowalut. Podobnie jak inne aktywa cyfrowe, tokeny MOBILE podlegają zmiennemu charakterowi rynków kryptowalut, gdzie wiadomości, wydarzenia globalne i zmiany regulacyjne mogą mieć natychmiastowy i głęboki wpływ na ceny. Na przykład, pozytywne zmiany w technologii blockchain lub korzystne wiadomości regulacyjne mogą prowadzić do wzrostowych trendów, podczas gdy niekorzystne wydarzenia mogą wywoływać korekty cen. Ponadto współprace, aktualizacje sieci i inicjatywy społecznościowe w ekosystemie Helium mogą wpłynąć na zaufanie inwestorów, a w konsekwencji na cenę tokena. Inwestorzy często polegają na modelach przewidywania cen i analizie technicznej, w tym na badaniu historycznych wykresów i trendów rynkowych, aby podejmować świadome decyzje dotyczące kupna lub sprzedaży tokenów MOBILE. Ponieważ sieć Helium nadal ewoluuje i zyskuje na popularności w zdecentralizowanej przestrzeni bezprzewodowej, czynniki te wspólnie przyczyniają się do dynamicznej wyceny Helium Mobile.

Osoby zainteresowane inwestowaniem lub handlem Helium Mobile mogą się zastanawiać: Gdzie kupić krypto MOBILE? MOBILE jest dostępna na wiodących giełdach, takich jak Bitget, który oferuje bezpieczną i przyjazną dla użytkownika platformę dla entuzjastów kryptowalut.

Dane z mediów społecznościowych dot. Helium Mobile

W ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin wynik sentymentu mediów społecznościowych wobec Helium Mobile wynosił 3, a sentyment mediów społecznościowych do trendu cenowego Helium Mobile wynosił Byczy. Ogólny wynik Helium Mobile w mediach społecznościowych wyniósł 0, co plasuje go na 579. miejscu wśród wszystkich kryptowalut.

Według LunarCrush, w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin kryptowaluty zostały wspomniane w mediach społecznościowych łącznie 1,058,120 razy, przy czym Helium Mobile był wspominany ze współczynnikiem częstotliwości 0.01%, zajmując 420. miejsce wśród wszystkich kryptowalut.

W ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin było łącznie 296 użytkowników dyskutujących o Helium Mobile, z łączną liczbą Helium Mobile wzmianek o 69. Jednak w porównaniu z poprzednim 24-godzinnym okresem, odnotowano wzrost liczby unikalnych użytkowników o 5% oraz wzrost wzmianek o 11%.

Na Twitterze w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin pojawiło się łącznie 0 tweetów wspominających Helium Mobile. Wśród nich 0% ma bycze nastawienie na Helium Mobile, 0% ma niedźwiedzie nastawienie na Helium Mobile, a 100% jest neutralny na Helium Mobile.

W serwisie Reddit w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin pojawiło się 24 postów wspominających o Helium Mobile. W porównaniu z poprzednim 24-godzinnym okresem, odnotowano 0% spadek liczby wzmianek.

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Jak kupić Helium Mobile(MOBILE)

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Kup Helium Mobile (MOBILE)

Kup Helium Mobile (MOBILE)

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Jaka jest obecna cena Helium Mobile?

Bieżąca cena monety Helium Mobile wynosi $0 za (MOBILE/USD), przy czym bieżąca kapitalizacja rynkowa wynosi -- USD. Wartość monety Helium Mobile podlega częstym wahaniom, ponieważ rynek kryptowalut jest aktywny przez całą dobę. Bieżąca cena monety Helium Mobile w czasie rzeczywistym i jej dane historyczne są dostępne na Bitget.

Czym jest 24-godzinny wolumen obrotu Helium Mobile?

W ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin wolumen obrotu Helium Mobile wyniósł --.

Jaka jest najwyższa dotychczasowa wartość Helium Mobile?

Najwyższa dotychczasowy cena Helium Mobile to $0.09000. Ta najwyższa dotychczasowa cena jest najwyższą ceną dla Helium Mobile od czasu jego wprowadzenia.

Czy mogę kupić Helium Mobile na Bitget?

Tak, Helium Mobile jest obecnie dostępne na scentralizowanej giełdzie Bitget. Aby uzyskać bardziej szczegółowe instrukcje, zapoznaj się z naszym pomocnym przewodnikiem Jak kupić Helium Mobile .

Czy mogę uzyskać stały dochód z inwestycji w Helium Mobile?

Oczywiście Bitget zapewnia platforma do handlu strategicznego, z inteligentnymi botami handlowymi do automatyzacji transakcji i osiągania zysków.

Gdzie mogę kupić Helium Mobile z najniższą opłatą?

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że platforma do handlu strategicznego jest już dostępny na giełdzie Bitget. Bitget oferuje wiodące w branży opłaty transakcyjne i głębokość, aby zapewnić inwestorom zyskowne inwestycje.

Gdzie mogę kupić Helium Mobile (MOBILE)?

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1. Zaloguj się na swoje konto Bitget.
2. Jeśli jesteś nowym użytkownikiem Bitget, obejrzyj nasz przewodnik poświęcony tworzeniu konta.
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7. Prześlij swoje zgłoszenie i gotowe — weryfikacja tożsamości zakończona.
Inwestycje w kryptowaluty, w tym kupowanie Helium Mobile online za pośrednictwem Bitget, podlegają ryzyku rynkowemu. Bitget zapewnia łatwe i wygodne sposoby kupowania Helium Mobile. Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby w pełni informować naszych użytkowników o każdej kryptowalucie, którą oferujemy na giełdzie. Nie ponosimy jednak odpowiedzialności za skutki, które mogą wyniknąć z kupna Helium Mobile. Ta strona i wszelkie zawarte w niej informacje nie stanowią poparcia dla żadnej konkretnej kryptowaluty.




1 MOBILE = 0.0005940 USD
Bitget oferuje najniższe opłaty transakcyjne spośród wszystkich głównych platform handlowych. Im wyższy poziom VIP, tym korzystniejsze stawki.

Bitget Insights

📣 Altcoin Comeback? “Golden Cross” Signal Points to Potential Surge – Top 4 Picks The altcoin market has been swinging since 2024, with coins like Solana hitting levels no one expected. But after a recent sharp dip, the market is showing signs it might bounce back. Technical indicators, as the “golden cross” in charts even hint at altcoins gearing up for another surge. 💬 ALTCOIN GOLDEN CROSS JUST FLASHED!Last time? A 10X rally.History tends to repeat…Are you positioned? — Merlijn The Trader (@MerlijnTrader) February 11, 2025 🔸 Altcoin Index Dip: Buy Signal in Disguise? Granted, the Altcoin Season Index does look a bit bearish at the moment, but this pullback could actually be a good sign for long-term investors. History shows similar dips have often come right before major rallies. According to a top analyst, these four altcoins, in particular, could impact the upcoming bull market. 🔸 $SUI : New ATHs Soon? SUI, currently sitting at 13th in the market with a solid $10 billion valuation, is seen as one of the top contenders for the next bull run. Despite a correction in its price from all-time highs, it still holds growth potential. Back on January 6 2025, the coin peaked around $5.35, and it could rise again once the market recovers. 🔸 Aerodrome Finance ($AERO ): DeFi Summer 2.0 on Base Chain? Aerodrome Finance has quickly become the go-to decentralized exchange (DEX) for the Base Chain, which has seen a lot of fresh interest. Aerodrome Finance’s market cap is around $600 million, which suggests ample room for growth. Considering the growing demand for Base Chain’s ecosystem and the popularity of meme coins, this coin could see explosive gains, similar to what was observed during the DeFi Summer of 2021. 🔸 $ONDO : A Discounted Buy? Ondo, a major player in the Real-World Asset (RWA) sector, continues to attract attention due to its growing popularity among investors. This coin has already put up some impressive numbers and has a market cap of roughly $4.2 billion. According to the analyst we cited earlier, Ondo’s current price of around $1.35 could be a steal, offering investors the chance to buy in at a favorable price. 🔸 Hedera ($HBAR ): Next Market Leader? Hedera (HBAR), with a sizable $9 billion market cap, has experienced a surge in price and is now undergoing a correction. But, this dip could be the ideal entry point for investors looking to buy at a discount. Hedera has built a strong ecosystem and is working with several major companies, including Google, T-Mobile, and LG, which strengthens its position in the market.
📣 Altcoin Comeback? “Golden Cross” Signal Points to Potential Surge – Top 4 Picks The altcoin mark
📣 Altcoin Comeback? “Golden Cross” Signal Points to Potential Surge – Top 4 Picks The altcoin market has been swinging since 2024, with coins like Solana hitting levels no one expected. But after a recent sharp dip, the market is showing signs it might bounce back. Technical indicators, as the “golden cross” in charts even hint at altcoins gearing up for another surge. 💬 ALTCOIN GOLDEN CROSS JUST FLASHED!Last time? A 10X rally.History tends to repeat…Are you positioned? — Merlijn The Trader (@MerlijnTrader) February 11, 2025 🔸 Altcoin Index Dip: Buy Signal in Disguise? Granted, the Altcoin Season Index does look a bit bearish at the moment, but this pullback could actually be a good sign for long-term investors. History shows similar dips have often come right before major rallies. According to a top analyst, these four altcoins, in particular, could impact the upcoming bull market. 🔸 $SUI : New ATHs Soon? SUI, currently sitting at 13th in the market with a solid $10 billion valuation, is seen as one of the top contenders for the next bull run. Despite a correction in its price from all-time highs, it still holds growth potential. Back on January 6 2025, the coin peaked around $5.35, and it could rise again once the market recovers. 🔸 Aerodrome Finance ($AERO ): DeFi Summer 2.0 on Base Chain? Aerodrome Finance has quickly become the go-to decentralized exchange (DEX) for the Base Chain, which has seen a lot of fresh interest. Aerodrome Finance’s market cap is around $600 million, which suggests ample room for growth. Considering the growing demand for Base Chain’s ecosystem and the popularity of meme coins, this coin could see explosive gains, similar to what was observed during the DeFi Summer of 2021. 🔸 $ONDO : A Discounted Buy? Ondo, a major player in the Real-World Asset (RWA) sector, continues to attract attention due to its growing popularity among investors. This coin has already put up some impressive numbers and has a market cap of roughly $4.2 billion. According to the analyst we cited earlier, Ondo’s current price of around $1.35 could be a steal, offering investors the chance to buy in at a favorable price. 🔸 Hedera ($HBAR ): Next Market Leader? Hedera (HBAR), with a sizable $9 billion market cap, has experienced a surge in price and is now undergoing a correction. But, this dip could be the ideal entry point for investors looking to buy at a discount. Hedera has built a strong ecosystem and is working with several major companies, including Google, T-Mobile, and LG, which strengthens its position in the market.
The Analog Network
The Analog Network is the combination of participating community members and technical mechanisms that power both Analog and the Timegraph. The ecosystem consists of time nodes, oracles, smart contracts, dApps, DEX, end-users, and staking mechanisms, all revolving around time data that is protected by the zk-SNARK zero-knowledge proof protocol.  Analog has developed a mobile app that lets the community submit useful time data into the Timechain easily. Users will be able to create updates, or ‘Analogs’, using the app which are visible to relevant parties and searches. For instance, entering ‘Christmas Party’ in the app’s search field would bring up relevant real-time Analogs based on the searcher’s location and other unique factors.  The app also pulls in relevant time data from connected third-party apps, such as calendar schedules, upcoming local events and monthly billing information, to help users take preemptive time-based actions without accessing several other apps, thus saving a lot of time. Users can select which external apps and what information they want to sync with Analog, giving them a tailor-made solution to conveniently tracking the singular and recurring details of their daily lives. The team at Analog built a wallet as well that allows users to store ANLOG with support for more tokens soon. Analog also plans to build a DEX that will give users a chance to provide liquidity, stake, and swap tokens to get ANLOG rewards. The DEX will be built in a trustless manner meaning that users’ funds and personal data are preserved.  $ANLOG
📣 Altcoin Comeback? “Golden Cross” Signal Points to Potential Surge – Top 4 Picks The altcoin market has been swinging since 2024, with coins like Solana hitting levels no one expected. But after a recent sharp dip, the market is showing signs it might bounce back. Technical indicators, as the “golden cross” in charts even hint at altcoins gearing up for another surge. 💬 ALTCOIN GOLDEN CROSS JUST FLASHED!Last time? A 10X rally.History tends to repeat…Are you positioned? — Merlijn The Trader (@MerlijnTrader) February 11, 2025 🔸 Altcoin Index Dip: Buy Signal in Disguise? Granted, the Altcoin Season Index does look a bit bearish at the moment, but this pullback could actually be a good sign for long-term investors. History shows similar dips have often come right before major rallies. According to a top analyst, these four altcoins, in particular, could impact the upcoming bull market. 🔸 $SUI : New ATHs Soon? SUI, currently sitting at 13th in the market with a solid $10 billion valuation, is seen as one of the top contenders for the next bull run. Despite a correction in its price from all-time highs, it still holds growth potential. Back on January 6 2025, the coin peaked around $5.35, and it could rise again once the market recovers. 🔸 Aerodrome Finance ($AERO ): DeFi Summer 2.0 on Base Chain? Aerodrome Finance has quickly become the go-to decentralized exchange (DEX) for the Base Chain, which has seen a lot of fresh interest. Aerodrome Finance’s market cap is around $600 million, which suggests ample room for growth. Considering the growing demand for Base Chain’s ecosystem and the popularity of meme coins, this coin could see explosive gains, similar to what was observed during the DeFi Summer of 2021. 🔸 $ONDO : A Discounted Buy? Ondo, a major player in the Real-World Asset (RWA) sector, continues to attract attention due to its growing popularity among investors. This coin has already put up some impressive numbers and has a market cap of roughly $4.2 billion. According to the analyst we cited earlier, Ondo’s current price of around $1.35 could be a steal, offering investors the chance to buy in at a favorable price. 🔸 Hedera ($HBAR ): Next Market Leader? Hedera (HBAR), with a sizable $9 billion market cap, has experienced a surge in price and is now undergoing a correction. But, this dip could be the ideal entry point for investors looking to buy at a discount. Hedera has built a strong ecosystem and is working with several major companies, including Google, T-Mobile, and LG, which strengthens its position in the market.
Exclusive Interview with Jambo Co-founder James Zhang: The "J Economy" in Emerging Markets, the On-chain "APP Store" for One Billion Users
Author: John, ForesightNews "The Democratic Republic of the Congo," many people may first hear about this country in the "Weird Little Countries" series by Bilibili UP master Xiao John Khan. As a third-generation Chinese rooted in Africa, James Zhang grew up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a country intertwined with poverty and turmoil. Therefore, he understands better than anyone the survival rules in underdeveloped regions of the world—under a youth unemployment rate that often reaches double digits and daily incomes of just a few dollars, any narrative, including Web3, must shed its idealistic facade and become a sharp blade that can cut through bread. In simple terms, African users do not care about ZK-Rollup or modular narratives; they only ask three questions: Can it be cheaper? Is the phone durable? How much can I earn? So under the label of "Africa + smartphones," what Jambo aims to do is not simply map to a "Web3 version of Transsion," but rather, when other crypto phones anchor the elite market at hundreds or thousands of dollars, choose to tear open the fissures of the third world with the $99 JamboPhone: from Africa to Southeast Asia, then to Latin America, and ultimately covering global users, leading everyone to enter Web3 with lower costs and lower barriers. This also reminds me of an important point about Transsion's initial success in Africa, which was its ability to better serve the localized needs of Black users, including the clear identification of selfies—this is another practice of following the mass line and surrounding the city from the countryside. James Zhang repeatedly emphasized in an exclusive interview that when he first encountered crypto technology, he immediately understood that blockchain is not just a financial speculation tool, but a means of "empowerment": it can help at least hundreds of millions of ordinary users bypass traditional financial restrictions and truly enter the global digital economy system. In his view, "what Jambo is doing is precisely bringing a new user group into the Crypto space, rather than competing among existing users." To some extent, JamboPhone is striving to form a capillary network in the decentralized era, thereby reaching hundreds of millions of new users. Finally, James Zhang added, "JamboPhone is not just a phone—it's a movement. We are not competing for existing crypto users, but bringing the next billion people into Web3." This is indeed true; since the concept of Web3 was born, it has carried the gene of inclusiveness. From this perspective, Crypto should not be a playground for speculators, but a springboard for users in underdeveloped regions to leap over financial hegemony and economic system barriers. Especially in regions like Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa, where the traditional financial market and economic system are inverted, they are precisely nurturing the coordinates of the main battlefield for the Web3 industry in the next decade. The journey has just begun. Foresight News: I see that your personal background is quite diverse—your ancestral home is in Zhejiang, China, your family has been rooted in Africa for three generations, and you grew up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. How has this cross-cultural upbringing shaped your worldview? Was there a moment in your childhood that made you realize the value of "connecting different worlds"? James Zhang: Yes, growing up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as a person of Chinese descent has indeed given me a very different understanding of "Connection," especially in daily life and work in Africa, where I have witnessed many communities still constrained by traditional banking systems, with many unable to use digital tools to solve financial problems. This has also strengthened my belief that technology, especially decentralized systems, can build bridges and create new possibilities where there were previously none. The power of "connecting different worlds" can change countless lives. Foresight News: Has the relatively turbulent and underdeveloped living environment in Africa influenced and shaped your understanding of financial inclusiveness? What opportunities led you to the crypto industry and to fully dedicate yourself to founding Jambo? James Zhang: Absolutely. Seeing many communities relying on cash economies, constrained by inflation and economic instability, made me more aware of the urgency of building an inclusive financial system. Especially when I first encountered crypto technology, I realized that blockchain is not just a financial speculation tool, but a means of "empowerment": Cryptocurrencies can provide financial services to the unbanked, enable near-zero-cost cross-border transactions, and create income opportunities through decentralized networks. It is precisely for this reason that I decided to fully commit to this mission, which also became the impetus for Jambo's birth. So when we discovered that the prevalence of mobile devices was the main bottleneck for Web3 adoption, we decided to focus on developing a powerful smartphone priced at just $99 to support cutting-edge crypto application scenarios and break this bottleneck. Foresight News: When recruiting core members for Jambo, do you also place special emphasis on multicultural traits? What type of talent is currently in high demand? James Zhang: Undoubtedly, Jambo's core philosophy is to achieve global inclusiveness, so we particularly value the cultural diversity and cross-cultural understanding of our team members. For instance, team members who understand different economic backgrounds and lifestyles can help us better design products and solutions that meet global market needs. Currently, we are particularly in need of engineers skilled in blockchain infrastructure, emerging market operations experts, and product designers who can simplify the interaction experience for Web3 newcomers. We also hope to combine different perspectives and professional skills through a diverse team to accelerate the global spread of inclusive finance, truly allowing more people to enjoy the conveniences brought by decentralized technology. Foresight News: JamboPhone allows many emerging market users to access smartphones and benefit from the crypto economy for the first time. How does it translate complex Web3 concepts (like private keys and cross-chain) into intuitive operations in its design? James Zhang: From the very beginning, JamboPhone was designed with ease of use at its core. We integrated multi-chain wallets, a simplified DApp store, and an intuitive onboarding process to eliminate the barriers to using Web3. This allows users to enjoy all functionalities running seamlessly in the background without needing to understand the complexities of crypto technology. Our ultimate goal is to make the Web3 experience as natural as traditional mobile applications. Foresight News: JamboPhone is positioned as an entry point for financial inclusiveness in emerging markets. How does it address the specific challenges faced by users in regions like Africa when accessing financial services? James Zhang: JamboPhone aims to eliminate financial barriers in emerging markets by providing an affordable smartphone that natively supports cryptocurrencies and integrates Web3 services. As we know, many users in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America cannot access traditional banking services. JamboPhone offers secure asset storage, remittance, and decentralized finance (DeFi) participation through its built-in multi-chain wallet. It not only enables low-cost cross-border transactions but also creates profit opportunities for users through interaction and gaming. We believe that by combining affordability, accessibility, and financial empowerment, JamboPhone helps at least hundreds of millions of users bypass traditional financial restrictions and enter the global digital economy. In a sense, these users are the ones who most need the "empowerment" of cryptocurrencies. What Jambo is doing is precisely bringing a new user group into the Crypto space, rather than competing among existing users. For example, our collaboration with Tether/USDT and Solana provides users with savings opportunities denominated in USD, while leveraging Solana's low transaction fees allows users to conduct cross-border transactions at almost zero cost. This is changing the lives of people in regions with severe inflation and difficult capital circulation. Foresight News: Regarding the current state of Jambo's business development, are there any data dimensions (like JamboPhone user coverage, hardware network scale, ecosystem partners, etc.) that you can share? James Zhang: As of now, JamboPhone has sold over 800,000 devices in more than 128 countries/regions, created over 9.5 million wallets, and built an on-chain mobile network with unprecedented decentralized potential. This rapid adoption rate, to some extent, also confirms the strong market demand for a Web3-native mobile experience. Foresight News: With a starting price of just $99, significantly lower than other crypto phones, JamboPhone is clearly more friendly to the mass market. How does it find a balance between cost and performance (through supply chain scaling or ecosystem subsidies)? James Zhang: The core of this question is that what we want to do is not just sell a phone, but provide users with a brand new, affordable Web3 experience. To achieve this, Jambo has established close strategic partnerships with top global electronics manufacturers, leveraging economies of scale to reduce costs while optimizing the supply chain through large-scale component procurement agreements, ensuring that we can keep prices truly affordable while maintaining high performance. We also adopted a vertically integrated approach, eliminating many redundant intermediaries and controlling the efficiency of production, distribution, logistics, and other aspects, which ultimately allows us to bring this highly cost-effective phone to market, achieving our ultimate goal—enabling more people to access Web3 technology rather than turning it into a luxury item limited to a select few. Foresight News: To some extent, the EarnDrop model relies on ecosystem partners to subsidize rewards. How do you plan to avoid user loss due to reduced rewards in the long term? Is there a long-term sustainable revenue mechanism in place? James Zhang: In fact, the EarnDrop model is fundamentally different from traditional passive airdrops. We do not want users to just take the rewards and leave; rather, we want them to earn tokens through deep participation in Web3 activities. Therefore, this token distribution method combines staking incentives and loyalty rewards, encouraging users to hold long-term rather than just obtaining rewards once. Additionally, on JamboPhone, token distribution is tied to each unique physical device, which helps prevent Sybil attacks and ensures that tokens flow to real users rather than bots. For example, in our collaboration with Matr1x, we airdropped FIRE tokens to holders in the Jambo community, and 30 days after the event ended, the token holding rate remained above 70%. This indicates that the participating users genuinely intend to hold long-term rather than just engaging for short-term rewards. We believe that a long-term sustainable revenue mechanism must rely on users' genuine participation and continuous contributions to the ecosystem, rather than solely depending on external rewards and subsidies. Foresight News: How does Jambo benefit from the pre-installed applications on each device, and what impact does this have on user retention and ecosystem growth? James Zhang: Pre-installing Web3 applications is a significant advantage for Jambo. It greatly enhances user conversion rates while effectively reducing customer acquisition costs (CAC). Unlike traditional smartphones that rely on centralized app stores, JamboPhone users can directly access a complete Web3 ecosystem right after powering on the device. This "built-in accessibility" not only reduces user churn but also enhances their daily interactions, such as staking, DeFi, gaming, and earning activities, all of which significantly boost user retention. For Web3 developers, Jambo also provides a zero CAC distribution channel, meaning they can attract new users at a very low cost, rapidly expand the ecosystem, and build a high-quality user base. For instance, Sleepagotchi has a retention rate among Jambo users that is 50% higher than through other channels, which demonstrates the effectiveness of pre-installed applications, appealing to users and laying the foundation for long-term ecosystem growth. Foresight News: Jambo involves both hardware and software experiences, effectively occupying a major entry point for users into Web3. How does this unique positioning enhance user engagement and long-term retention? James Zhang: The combination of hardware and software is indeed a unique advantage. By controlling the mobile hardware layer, Jambo achieves deep integration of Web3 applications with the mobile experience, allowing users to interact directly with Web3 anytime and anywhere. Unlike standalone DApps that face challenges in user discovery and retention, JamboPhone provides seamless access to wallets, DeFi, and decentralized applications from the moment it is powered on. This continuous interaction greatly enhances user retention and ecosystem participation. More importantly, as a hardware product, Jambo monetizes through various touchpoints such as transactions, application discovery, and DePIN infrastructure. By controlling these access and interaction points, we can provide users with a smoother and more coherent Web3 experience, ultimately building a highly sticky and high-value ecosystem. Foresight News: We also see that Jambo's main investors include top VCs like Paradigm, Pantera Capital, Delphi Ventures, Coinbase Ventures, and Tiger Global. Besides providing financial support, what strategic support do they offer to Jambo, and how does Jambo plan to leverage the investor network to accelerate global expansion? James Zhang: The support from investors like Paradigm, Pantera, and Coinbase Ventures goes far beyond financial assistance. They bring valuable industry insights, ecosystem resources, and global strategic guidance to Jambo. These top VCs not only believe in our vision but also provide crucial support in market expansion, product optimization, and accelerating global layout. At the same time, through their networks and resources, we can quickly enter emerging markets and expand partnerships, especially in key regions like Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. More importantly, they help us establish trust within the industry, further strengthening Jambo's position in the global Web3 ecosystem. In the future, we will continue to rely on the support of these investors, utilizing their global networks and industry resources to accelerate Jambo's expansion worldwide, providing more users with high-quality Web3 experiences. Foresight News: Compared to mainstream smartphones that require downloading crypto wallets and Web3 applications, what irreplaceable advantages does a blockchain phone with built-in Web3 applications have? Where do you see its competitiveness, and what role does Jambo want to play in this? James Zhang: The irreplaceable advantages of JamboPhone compared to mainstream phones primarily lie in its ability to break free from the constraints of Apple's and Google's closed ecosystems—traditional smartphones rely on app stores where developers have to pay commissions as high as 30%, and Web3 functionalities face various restrictions, such as access permissions to DApps. In contrast, JamboPhone features a built-in native crypto application store, allowing users to directly access DApps, DeFi platforms, and NFT markets without any permissions. It is also equipped with multi-chain wallets, native token rewards, and on-chain identity verification features, enabling users to enjoy lower costs while truly owning their digital assets and fully experiencing the global crypto economy. In short, JamboPhone breaks the limitations of traditional smartphones, bringing Web3 into the daily lives of mainstream users. By eliminating dependence on centralized app stores, JamboPhone opens the door to a decentralized internet, helping users participate in the global crypto economy more conveniently and at lower costs. Foresight News: I heard that Jambo is actively collaborating with leading exchanges. What exclusive products or partnership developments can users expect in the near future (such as customized phones or integrated Web3 services)? James Zhang: Jambo will collaborate with top exchanges to launch a customized version of JamboPhone, pre-installed with trading applications and offering exclusive benefits, such as instant account opening, fee discounts, and enhanced security features. These integrations will support direct asset exchanges, staking, and DeFi access on the device, while providing fiat on-ramp channels for emerging markets. In the past year, applications from OKX and Coinbase have already been pre-installed on JamboPhone, helping us become important partners in their expansion into emerging markets. Additionally, JamboPhone will incorporate an airdrop mechanism integrated with exchanges. We have already implemented this feature in our own token. By merging mobile technology with exchange services, Jambo is creating a safer and more convenient Web3 entry point for global users, helping more users seamlessly access the decentralized finance ecosystem. Foresight News: We see that Jambo plans to connect global JamboPhone users via satellite. Does this mean that in the future, users will be able to use Web3 services without relying on traditional networks? How will this technology complement existing mobile networks? James Zhang: That's right. Our goal is to establish a truly decentralized mobile network. Through satellite connections, JamboPhone users can easily access Web3 services regardless of whether they are in remote areas or places without access to traditional telecom infrastructure. I believe this will be a disruptive breakthrough for financial inclusiveness, bringing unprecedented financial opportunities to more users globally, especially complementing existing mobile networks to ensure stable Web3 access in areas where traditional networks cannot reach, providing broader services for global users. Foresight News: How will the J token fully integrate into the Jambo ecosystem and user incentive system by 2025? How do you plan to avoid the token becoming a speculative tool? James Zhang: The J token will become the core fuel of our ecosystem, used for staking, governance, payments, and user incentives. We are building a token economy that rewards real users rather than speculators, ensuring the long-term value of the J token. By providing users with actual incentive mechanisms, such as long-term holding rewards and participation mechanisms, we are committed to creating a sustainable, user-driven economic system. We hope that the J token will not only promote the popularization of Web3 but also realize true value among the groups that need it most, bringing more opportunities and changes.

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