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QuickSwap [Old]の価格

QuickSwap [Old]の‌価格QUICK


QuickSwap [Old]に投票しましょう!


今日のQuickSwap [Old]の価格

QuickSwap [Old] の今日の現在価格は、(QUICK / USD)あたり$41.28 で、現在の時価総額は$30.97M USDです。24時間の取引量は$7,690.55 USDです。QUICKからUSDの価格はリアルタイムで更新されています。QuickSwap [Old] は0.80%過去24時間で変動しました。循環供給は750,404.44 です。




QuickSwap [Old]の利益を計算する

QuickSwap [Old]の価格予測




2031年には、QUICKの価格は+30.00%変動する見込みです。 2031年末には、QUICKの価格は$121.48に達し、累積ROIは+195.20%になると予測されます。

QuickSwap [Old]の価格履歴(USD)

QuickSwap [Old]の価格は、この1年で-23.56%を記録しました。直近1年間のUSD建ての最高値は$110.71で、直近1年間のUSD建ての最安値は$27.36でした。
時間価格変動率(%)価格変動率(%)最低価格対応する期間における{0}の最低価格です。最高価格 最高価格
すべての期間-89.23%$27.36(2024-08-05, 160 日前 )$13,732.74(2022-05-21, 2年前 )

QuickSwap [Old]の市場情報

QuickSwap [Old]の時価総額の履歴

24時間取引量 / 時価総額
750,404.44 QUICK
989,469.42 QUICK
QuickSwap [Old]を今すぐ購入する

QuickSwap [Old]の集中度別保有量


QuickSwap [Old]の保有時間別アドレス


QuickSwap [Old]の評価


QuickSwap [Old] (QUICK)について








QuickSwap [Old](QUICK)の購入方法





QuickSwap [Old] (QUICK)を購入

QuickSwap [Old] (QUICK)を購入

BitgetでQuickSwap [Old]を購入するには、様々なお支払い方法をご利用いただけます。



QuickSwap [Old]のニュース


Bitgetでは、2024年9月10日に最大レバレッジ75倍の QUICKUSDT先物の取扱いを開始しました。 公式サイト(またはBitget アプリから先物取引をお試しください。 QUICKUSDT-M無期限先物: パラメーター 詳細 上場時間 2024年9月10日17:00(UTC+8) 原資産 QUICK 決済資産 USDT ティックサイズ 0.00001 最大レバレッジ 75倍 資金調達料の決済頻度 8時間ごと 取引可能時間 24時間年中無休 市場リスクの状況により、Bitgetはティックサイズ、最大レバレッジ、維持マージン率を含むパラメーターを調整する

Bitget Announcement2024-09-10 09:00
Bitget現物マージンに、CHR/USDT, BAT/USDT, API3/USDT, QUICK/USDTが追加されました!
Bitget現物マージンに、CHR/USDT, BAT/USDT, API3/USDT, QUICK/USDTが追加されました!

Bitget現物クロスマージンと分離マージンに、CHR/USDT, BAT/USDT, API3/USDT, QUICK/USDTが追加されました。 新規上場特典:新規通貨の上場を記念して、Bitgetは現物レバレッジ割引クーポンまたは取引ボーナスをユーザーのアカウントにランダムで配布します。このクーポンを使うと、低利または利息無料でレバレッジを利用でき、取引ボーナスはマージン取引で直接ご利用いただけます。クーポンや取引ボーナスの受け取りは クーポンセンターへ。 関連リンク: 現物マージン取引ボーナスとマージン割引クーポンを活用して低コストで取引を行いましょう 免責事項 仮想通貨は、高い成長

Bitget Announcement2024-09-10 06:54
QuickSwap [Old]の最新情報


QuickSwap [Old]の現在の価格はいくらですか?

QuickSwap [Old]のライブ価格は$41.28(QUICK/USD)で、現在の時価総額は$30,972,978.49 USDです。QuickSwap [Old]の価値は、暗号資産市場の24時間365日休みない動きにより、頻繁に変動します。QuickSwap [Old]のリアルタイムでの現在価格とその履歴データは、Bitgetで閲覧可能です。

QuickSwap [Old]の24時間取引量は?

過去24時間で、QuickSwap [Old]の取引量は$7,690.55です。

QuickSwap [Old]の過去最高値はいくらですか?

QuickSwap [Old] の過去最高値は$13,732.74です。この過去最高値は、QuickSwap [Old]がローンチされて以来の最高値です。

BitgetでQuickSwap [Old]を購入できますか?

はい、QuickSwap [Old]は現在、Bitgetの取引所で利用できます。より詳細な手順については、お役立ちの購入方法 ガイドをご覧ください。

QuickSwap [Old]に投資して安定した収入を得ることはできますか?


QuickSwap [Old]を最も安く購入できるのはどこですか?


QuickSwap [Old](QUICK)はどこで買えますか?

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動画セクション - 素早く認証を終えて、素早く取引へ

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2. Bitgetにまだアカウントをお持ちでない方は、アカウント作成方法のチュートリアルをご覧ください。
3. プロフィールアイコンにカーソルを合わせ、「未認証」をクリックし、「認証する」をクリックしてください。
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7. 申請書を提出すれば、本人確認(KYC認証)は完了です。
Bitgetを介してオンラインでQuickSwap [Old]を購入することを含む暗号資産投資は、市場リスクを伴います。Bitgetでは、簡単で便利な購入方法を提供しており、取引所で提供している各暗号資産について、ユーザーに十分な情報を提供するよう努力しています。ただし、QuickSwap [Old]の購入によって生じる結果については、当社は責任を負いかねます。このページおよび含まれる情報は、特定の暗号資産を推奨するものではありません。



Bitget Earn

1 QUICK = 41.28 USD


The essential and beneficial aspects of $XTER in the future are numerous and can be categorized into several key areas: Technical Advancements 1. _Scalability_: $XTER's scalability solutions, such as sharding or off-chain transactions, can increase the network's transaction capacity and reduce congestion. 2. _Security_: $XTER's secure infrastructure, including advanced cryptography and secure smart contracts, can protect users' assets and ensure the integrity of the network. 3. _Interoperability_: $XTER's interoperability solutions can enable seamless interactions between different blockchain networks, increasing the token's utility and adoption. Economic Benefits 1. _Store of Value_: $XTER's limited supply and decentralized governance can make it an attractive store of value, similar to Bitcoin. 2. _Medium of Exchange_: $XTER's fast transaction times and low fees can make it a viable medium of exchange, enabling users to make quick and affordable transactions. 3. _Investment Opportunity_: $XTER's potential for growth and adoption can make it an attractive investment opportunity for those looking to diversify their portfolios. Social Benefits 1. _Financial Inclusion_: $XTER's decentralized nature and accessibility can increase financial inclusion, enabling underserved populations to access financial services. 2. _Community Building_: $XTER's community-driven approach can foster a sense of community and cooperation, encouraging users to work together to achieve common goals. 3. _Innovation_: $XTER's open-source nature and decentralized governance can encourage innovation, enabling developers to build new applications and use cases on top of the network. Environmental Benefits 1. _Energy Efficiency_: $XTER's proof-of-stake consensus algorithm can reduce energy consumption, making it a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional proof-of-work algorithms. 2. _Sustainable Development_: $XTER's decentralized nature and community-driven approach can promote sustainable development, enabling users to build sustainable applications and use cases. In conclusion, $XTER has the potential to provide numerous essential and beneficial aspects in the future, including technical advancements, economic benefits, social benefits, and environmental benefits.
$SONIC Coin Currently Movement in Tight Range;- Guys Quick Share Like And Comments. This chart shows the 30-minute price action for $SONIC /USDT. It highlights key features such as resistance zones and the trend structure. Key Observations: Trend Formation: The chart depicts a symmetrical triangle pattern with narrowing price action, indicating consolidation and potential for a breakout. Resistance Zones: The first resistance zone is around $0.9838. The second resistance zone is at $1.1322. A higher resistance zone is positioned near $1.2551. Current Price Action: The price is $0.7939, with the Bollinger Bands showing reduced volatility. Moving averages (MA5, MA10, and MA20) are closely aligned, further signaling consolidation. Support Levels: The lower trendline suggests strong support near $0.7341. Volume: The volume is relatively stable, but a breakout might require a significant spike in volume. Next Steps: Bullish Scenario: A breakout above the upper trendline could push the price toward the first resistance at $0.9838. Bearish Scenario: A breakdown below the lower trendline may test support near $0.7126 or lower. Monitor Volume: Increased volume will be a key indicator of breakout direction.
How will $XTER coins perform in future?
The outlook for $XTER Coin (Xterio) is a bit concerning based on recent analyses. Here’s a quick summary of what’s been predicted: 1. **Current Performance**: Since its ICO launch in January 2025, $XTER has seen a slight decline of about **0.77%**. Right now, it’s trading around **$0.369** with a decent trading volume of about **$47.9 million** in the last 24 hours. 2. **Short-Term Predictions**: For January 2025, the price is projected to peak at around **$4.5711**, with an average trading value of approximately **$3.156**. However, there are mixed signals about its sustainability. 3. **Long-Term Outlook**: By 2026, some models suggest that $XTER could drop to around **$0.3820**, and by 2027, it might start at about **$1.04** and trade around **$1.28**. However, there are also predictions indicating that it could potentially reach **$0.00**, reflecting a very bearish sentiment. 4. **Overall Sentiment**: The predictions are quite varied, with some suggesting significant declines in value over the next few years. By 2031, the price could be projected to reach **$0.00**, indicating a cumulative ROI of **-100%**. ### Summary: - **Overall Sentiment**: Bearish with significant risks. - **Advice**: If you’re considering investing in $XTER, it’s crucial to stay updated on market trends and developments, as the crypto space can be very volatile! Keep an eye on it, and make sure to do your own research! $XTER
CATGOLD! CATGOLD is a cryptocurrency token that has gained significant attention in the crypto community. Here's a brief overview: What is CATGOLD? CATGOLD is a decentralized digital currency built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It's a community-driven token that aims to provide a fast, secure, and low-cost transaction experience. Key Features 1. *Decentralized*: CATGOLD operates on a decentralized network, ensuring that transactions are secure, transparent, and resistant to censorship. 2. *Community-driven*: The CATGOLD community plays a vital role in shaping the project's direction and development. 3. *Low transaction fees*: CATGOLD's transaction fees are significantly lower compared to other cryptocurrencies. 4. *Fast transaction times*: CATGOLD's block time is relatively fast, allowing for quick transaction processing. Use Cases 1. *Payments*: CATGOLD can be used for everyday transactions, such as buying goods and services. 2. *Investment*: CATGOLD can be held as a long-term investment, with potential for price appreciation. 3. *Gaming*: CATGOLD has been integrated into various gaming platforms, allowing users to earn and spend CATGOLD tokens. Where to Buy CATGOLD CATGOLD is listed on several cryptocurrency exchanges, including: 1. PancakeSwap 2. Binance DEX 3. Cat.Exchange Please note that the availability of CATGOLD on these exchanges may change, and it's essential to research and understand the risks involved with investing in cryptocurrencies.
$$$$: Catgold.
CatGold: Bullish or Bearish? Hold or Trade? CatGold (CATGOLD), a relatively niche cryptocurrency or asset, has attracted attention in the market due to its potential as an investment opportunity. However, as with any asset, determining whether it’s currently in a bullish or bearish trend, and whether to hold or trade, requires a deep dive into both its technical indicators and the broader market sentiment. Below, we explore how to assess these factors to help you make an informed decision on whether CatGold is an asset to hold long-term or trade short-term. 1. Technical Analysis: Analyzing the Price Action Price action is one of the most important tools for understanding the market’s sentiment toward CatGold. Whether CatGold is in a bullish or bearish phase depends largely on how its price has been moving and the formation of key technical patterns. Bullish Indicators: Uptrend: If CatGold has been consistently forming higher highs and higher lows, this is a classic sign of a bullish trend. A breakout above previous resistance levels would also signal further upward potential. Support Levels: If the price of CatGold has recently bounced back from a strong support zone, this suggests that buying pressure is present and a potential upward move could follow. Strong support levels can be used as entry points for long-term holders or those looking for potential trades. Volume Surge: A surge in trading volume accompanying a price rise typically indicates that the bullish move is being supported by increased market interest, which strengthens the case for holding or entering positions. Bearish Indicators: Downtrend: If CatGold has been experiencing lower lows and lower highs, it indicates a bearish trend. A breakdown of significant support levels would suggest that the asset may be headed for further declines. Resistance Rejection: If the price repeatedly fails to break above a particular resistance level, this indicates that the upward momentum is weak, and a retracement or continued bearish movement may be on the horizon. Volume Decline: A decrease in trading volume, especially when the price is moving down, suggests a lack of interest in the asset, which can often lead to further losses. 2. Key Technical Indicators Using technical indicators can provide additional clarity on whether CatGold is likely to continue in its bullish or bearish direction. Relative Strength Index (RSI): Bullish RSI: An RSI above 50, especially if it’s nearing 70, indicates that CatGold is in an overbought condition and may continue to rise, signaling strength in the market. A breakout past 70 can sometimes be a precursor to a strong upward move. Bearish RSI: If the RSI is below 50 and trending toward 30, it may signal that CatGold is oversold and could experience further declines. An RSI near or below 30 is typically considered oversold, which could suggest a potential buying opportunity if other factors align. Moving Averages: Golden Cross: A golden cross, where the short-term moving average (e.g., the 50-day) crosses above the long-term moving average (e.g., the 200-day), is a bullish signal. It suggests that upward momentum is likely, and holding CatGold for the medium to long term could be favorable. Death Cross: A death cross, where the short-term moving average crosses below the long-term moving average, is a bearish signal. This suggests that momentum may be turning negative, making it less attractive to hold or trade unless you’re looking for a short-term sell opportunity. MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): Bullish MACD: If the MACD line crosses above the signal line, it’s a bullish signal, suggesting that the upward momentum may continue. Bearish MACD: If the MACD line crosses below the signal line, it suggests a bearish trend, with the possibility of continued downward movement. 3. Market Sentiment: How External Factors Affect CatGold Market sentiment plays a critical role in the performance of any asset, including CatGold. News, regulations, or general trends within the cryptocurrency or asset market can significantly influence whether CatGold is seen as a good asset to hold or trade. Bullish Sentiment: Positive News: Positive announcements, such as CatGold being added to more exchanges, new technological upgrades, or institutional adoption, can push the price higher and signal that the asset is in a bullish phase. Market Trends: If the broader cryptocurrency or market sector is in a bullish trend, it’s likely that CatGold could follow suit, particularly if investor confidence remains high. Bearish Sentiment: Negative News: If there are issues like regulatory challenges, technological flaws, or major sell-offs by whales or large investors, the price of CatGold could drop. Market Reversal: In times of global financial stress or when broader market conditions (such as the stock market or fiat currencies) experience downward pressure, cryptocurrencies like CatGold may also follow a bearish trend. 4. Fundamentals: Long-Term Viability of CatGold Even if short-term indicators suggest a bearish trend, the underlying fundamentals of CatGold could suggest a more bullish long-term outlook. The fundamentals refer to the core reasons why investors might hold CatGold over time. Bullish Fundamentals: If CatGold is backed by a strong development team, a useful or innovative product, and has seen increasing demand or adoption, it could be a good asset to hold for the long term. Positive partnerships, alliances, or growing community support can also be strong indicators that CatGold will appreciate in value over time. Bearish Fundamentals: A lack of use cases or diminishing investor interest could signal that CatGold is in danger of losing its value, especially if competitors are emerging with better solutions or if there are unresolved technical challenges. 5. Trade or Hold? Hold: If CatGold is in a strong uptrend, with positive technical indicators like the MACD crossing upward, an RSI in bullish territory, and strong market sentiment, holding the asset for the long-term could be an excellent strategy. If you believe in the long-term fundamentals of CatGold, such as its potential to be adopted or its unique value proposition, holding during short-term pullbacks can be a viable approach. Trade: If CatGold is in a downtrend or showing bearish technical signals like a death cross or a break below key support levels, trading might be more suitable. You could consider selling the asset during a bear market and re-entering when conditions improve or when a reversal is indicated by technical analysis. Short-term traders may look for quick opportunities during periods of high volatility, particularly if the price shows a clear bounce from support or resistance levels. Conclusion: Bullish or Bearish? Hold or Trade? Deciding whether CatGold is bullish or bearish and whether you should hold or trade depends on a combination of technical analysis, market sentiment, and fundamental factors. If technical indicators, such as the RSI, MACD, and moving averages, are signaling an uptrend, it could be wise to hold for long-term gains. Conversely, if bearish patterns or negative news prevail, you may opt to trade or avoid new positions until the trend reverses. Ultimately, the decision should align with your investment goals, risk tolerance, and the time horizon you're willing to commit to. By staying informed and conducting thorough analysis, you can make a more confident decision on whether CatGold is a buy, hold, or sell asset.


すべてのBitget資産の中で、時価総額がQuickSwap [Old]に最も近いのはこれらの8資産です。