Where and how to buy IOST in Montenegro
Step-by-step guide
Step 1: Create a Bitget account.
Step 2: Complete Bitget's identity verification.
Step 3: Place a IOST order through any of the various payment options provided.
Step 4:Monitor IOST in your Bitget spot account
Alternative methods to obtain IOST in Montenegro
Convert crypto to IOST with Bitget Convert
Swap on-chain assets to IOST with Bitget Swap
Methods to obtain IOST for free
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How to buy IOST in other countries?
What can you do with IOST?
Store/Hold IOST
Many users hold on to their IOST with the expectation of it increasing in value. You can store your IOST safely on your Bitget account or on our crypto wallet app BG Wallet, the most user-friendly and secure mobile wallet.
Trade IOST
You can trade IOST for 150+ cryptocurrencies on Bitget’s industry-leading, fast, and secure trading platform. Bitget offers many trading pairs for IOST trading to meet your needs.
Yes, Bitget allows you to easily transfer value around the world, fast. You can buy IOST online and send to anyone and anywhere with their IOST address.
Spend IOST
You can also buy goods and services with your IOST. More and more vendors and retailers accept IOST every day.
Donate IOST
Bitget Charity accepts IOST donations for global projects that aim to improve the lives of people in the bottom billion. You can donate IOST so no one misses out on the growth made possible by blockchain.
Learn More About IOST
You can read more in-depth articles on IOST from Bitget Research and study how cryptocurrencies like IOST work on Bitget Academy
Market stats to assist in determining optimal times for purchasing IOST
What is IOST (IOST)?
IOST is a blockchain platform that was created to address the scalability issues that plague many existing blockchain networks. It stands for the Internet of Services Token and was launched in 2018. IOST has its own nodes, wallets, and consensus protocol, making it a comprehensive ecosystem. Its goal is to be the leading infrastructure for industrial-scale transactions by giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Google.
IOST is known for its ultra-fast transaction speeds, capable of handling up to 100,000 transactions per second (TPS), which outpaces competitors like Ethereum and EOS. This is achieved through the integration of unique technologies such as the Proof of Believability (PoB) consensus mechanism and Efficient Distributed Sharding (EDS). The platform also fosters growth and innovation, with a $50 million incubator and accelerator called Bluehill designed to nurture critical infrastructure and projects.
How IOST (IOST) Works
IOST's revolutionary Proof-of-Believability (PoB) consensus mechanism is at the heart of its functionality. This innovative protocol divides blockchain validators into two groups: the "believable" league and the "normal" league. This division facilitates a more decentralized and efficient block production process. The PoB consensus algorithm is designed to ensure high transaction speeds while maintaining compliance among nodes. It operates by assigning believability scores to participants, with block production being performed by a rotating committee of 17 nodes, changing every 10 minutes to enhance throughput.
IOST also employs Efficient Distributed Sharding (EDS), a method that segments the blockchain into multiple sub-chains while retaining the main chain's throughput capabilities. This sharding technique, combined with protocols like Atomix and Micro State Block (MSB), ensures cross-shard transaction authenticity and minimizes storage fees on the blockchain. Consequently, more participants are invited to join the consensus.
IOST also offers smart contract capabilities, allowing developers to create decentralized applications (DApps) using languages like Solidity and JavaScript. The platform offers a range of Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) technologies, including authorization management, multi-cloud support, and cross-chain compatibility, fostering a conducive environment for innovation and privacy.
How Many IOST (IOST) Tokens Are in Circulation?
IOST's total supply and circulating supply both amount to 18,708,894,189.
How to Buy IOST (IOST)
Consider investing in IOST (IOST)? It only takes 2 minutes to create an account on Bitget and start trading IOST.
Check out the available IOST trading pairs on Bitget!
IOST (IOST) Resources
Buy IOST in Montenegro with Bitget
How to safely store your IOST
- Sign up and transfer IOST to your Bitget account.
- Alternatively, use Bitget Wallet as a self-custody solution for your IOST.
How to withdraw IOST with Bitget's hassle-free withdrawal process
IOST to local currency
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