Minigame Catizen on TON makes top sales with 34 million players
- Catizen has now reached 34 million players, making it the highest-revenue provider among the Telegram applications.
- With 800,000 paying users, Catizen has an average revenue per paying user (ARPPU) of 33 dollars.
Catizen, a GameFi minigame published on The Open Network (TON) and funded by Binance, has made amazing progress in just six months.
With 34 million players already enjoying the immersive gaming experience, Catizen has reached the top spot among all Telegram applications, exceeding expectations and capturing the attention of the blockchain gaming community.
😸 Catizen has been online for 6 months! 🎂
📅 In these 6 months, we have explored the world of Catizen with 34,000,000 (34 million) players!
Catizen ranks Top1🥇 in revenue among all Telegram apps. There are more than 2,000,000 (2 million) active on-chain Catizen players, and…
— Catizen (@CatizenAI) September 7, 2024
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The virtual cat game expands with new networks and incentives
The game revolves around virtual cats that players own, feed and care for in an „online cat cafe“. With Catizen, you can win prizes by maximizing your virtual money, vKITTY, which can then be redeemed for game improvements and future CATI token airdrops.
Catizen, which initially launched on TON , expanded its reach by becoming available on the Ethereum network Mantle in June as part of a strategic agreement, greatly increasing its reach.
Catizen is characterized by its ability to recruit a large, engaged user base. More than two million on-chain Catizen players actively interact in the game and contribute to revenue growth. The game has 800,000 paying players and an average revenue of 33 dollars per capita.
This puts Catizen on a par with the best mobile games and shows its potential in Web3 gaming. The high level of interaction is partly due to the frequency of airdrops, which have proven to be essential in attracting and retaining players.
Binance Labs, a prominent investor in Catizen, praised the game’s rapid growth and its potential to attract billions of people to the Web3 sector. As reported by CNF , HashKey Group, which has been working with Catizen since August to improve the game’s position in the TON ecosystem, agrees with this assessment.
Catizen is working with HashKey to integrate more complex crypto services and guarantee its players access to regulated and secure digital assets.
In addition to these achievements, Catizen is on schedule to implement all Phase 3 goals this month, strengthening its position in the competitive GameFi landscape. This phase aims to deliver new features and upgrades that will enhance the player experience and keep the community engaged.
Hamster Kombat, another very popular tap-to-earn game on Telegram, has also finally confirmed the long-awaited date for its airdrop, September 26, 2024 – CNF reported .
Haftungsausschluss: Der Inhalt dieses Artikels gibt ausschließlich die Meinung des Autors wieder und repräsentiert nicht die Plattform in irgendeiner Form. Dieser Artikel ist nicht dazu gedacht, als Referenz für Investitionsentscheidungen zu dienen.
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