Market Channel
Get the product's latest price, bid price, bid price and 24h trading volume information. Frequency of data push: 100ms ~ 300ms
Request Example
"op": "subscribe",
"args": [
"instType": "SPOT",
"channel": "ticker",
"instId": "ETHUSDT"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
op | String | Yes | Operation, subscribe unsubscribe |
args | Array | List<Object> | Yes List of channels to request subscription |
> instType | String | Yes | Product line type |
> channel | String | Yes | Channel name |
> instId | String | Yes | Product ID, e.g. ETHUSDT |
Response Example
"event": "subscribe",
"arg": {
"instType": "SPOT",
"channel": "ticker",
"instId": "ETHUSDT"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
event | String | Yes Event |
arg | Object | Subscribed channels |
> instType | String | Product type |
> channel | String | Channel name |
> instId | String | Product ID, e.g. ETHUSDT |
code | String | Error code, returned only on error |
msg | String | Error message |
Push Data
"action": "snapshot",
"arg": {
"instType": "SPOT",
"channel": "ticker",
"instId": "ETHUSDT"
"data": [
"instId": "ETHUSDT",
"lastPr": "2200.10",
"open24h": "0.00",
"high24h": "0.00",
"low24h": "0.00",
"change24h": "0.00",
"bidPr": "1792",
"askPr": "2200.1",
"bidSz": "0.0084",
"askSz": "19740.8811",
"baseVolume": "0.0000",
"quoteVolume": "0.0000",
"openUtc": "0.00",
"changeUtc24h": "0",
"ts": "1695702438018"
"ts": 1695702438029
Push Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg | Object | Channels with successful subscription |
> instType | String | Product type |
> channel | String | Channel name |
> instId | String | Product ID, e.g. ETHUSDT |
action | String | Push data action: snapshot |
data | List<Object> | Subscription data |
> instId | String | Product ID, e.g. ETHUSDT |
> lastPr | String | Latest price |
> askPr | String | Ask price |
> bidPr | String | Bid price |
> open24h | String | Entry price of the last 24 hours |
> high24h | String | 24h high |
> low24h | String | 24h low |
> baseVolume | String | 24h trading volume in left coin |
> quoteVolume | String | 24h trading volume in right coin |
> ts | String | Milliseconds format of data generation time Unix timestamp, e.g. 1597026383085 |
> openUtc | String | UTC±00:00 Entry price |
> changeUtc24h | String | Change at UTC+0, 0.01 means 1%. |
> bidSz | String | Buying amount |
> askSz | String | Selling amount |
> change24h | String | 24-hour change, 0.01 means 1%. |