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How to do Spot Trading with Bitget
Dear Global Bitgetters,
Bitget promises to deliver the best crypto experience from A to Z. Here is how you can start trading spot on Bitget, step-by-step:
Step 1: Create a Bitget account. Don’t forget to check out your Rewards Center to collect your $5,005 New User Reward!
New users can choose to register a new account with their phone number or with their email address.
Step 2: Deposit your own asset in the Bitget spot account or buy USDT/USDC/BTC/ETH. We offer two methods for purchasing these coins; the detailed guide for P2P is available here and for using fiat here.
Send cryptocurrencies from your other wallet to your Bitget Spot account.
Buy cryptocurrencies via our P2P marketplace.
Buy cryptocurrencies with your existing bank account.
Buy cryptocurrencies with your Credit Cards/ApplePay/GooglePay.
Step 3: Once you have the deposit, head to Bitget Spot Trading and check out our cryptocurrencies selection! Our real-time order book will help you to adjust your bid/ask price.
Charting tools are provided by TradingView.
Step 4: Choose your preferred pair and don’t forget to fill in the number for market order and other conditional orders. Once you’re done, click Buy/Sell.
Step 5: To check your assets, go to Asset then Spot.
Bitget Team