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Bitget Launchpad FAQ

2022-03-08 02:3811644
  1. Who is eligible to participate in the Launchpad?

Users who have completed Identity Verification (KYC) are eligible to participate in the Launchpad. Users who are registered under a restricted country are not allowed to join.

  1. What is the format of the Launchpad?

Bitget Launchpad is conducted in a subscription format. Participate by holding assets or trading to receive lottery tickets and stand a chance to purchase tokens in the early stage with BGB. Your assets in both Spot and Futures account will be automatically calculated once you’ve registered for the Launchpad.

  1. How to participate?

Visit Bitget Launchpad via our official website or mobile app when the registration period starts and hit “Register” to participate. Verified users can allocate their asset holdings to prepare for the Launchpad.

  1. How are my assets calculated for the Hold Gain session?

To calculate your holdings, a snapshot of your assets will be taken on your Spot and Futures Account at a random time after registration.

  1. How do I check the number of tickets I’ve accumulated?

On your Launchpad interface, click on [My Rewards] to view how many tickets you’ve obtained and which of them were winning tickets.

  1. How do I exchange the project token?

You can exchange BGB for the project token of equal value during the Token Exchange session, proportional to the number of winning tickets you held.

  1. How do I know the exchange rate between BGB and the project token?

You can check the exchange rate between BGB and the project token prior to the Token Exchange session.

  1. When can we start trading the featured project token?

Users can trade immediately after the trading pair is listed on Bitget. Stay tuned for the latest update in our official announcement.


Please note that each user is restricted to one account only. Bulk registering accounts for additional tickets violates the terms and conditions of this event and may result in the suspension of all involved accounts and participation eligibility.

To comply with the regulations of local jurisdictions, Bitget reserves the right to disqualify or take appropriate measures against accounts suspected of fraudulence.

Bitget Team

March 8, 2022

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