Bot Copy Trading

A How-To Guide For Users: Subscribing to Strategist

2023-05-30 03:232968

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to start Bot Copy Trading on Bitget, including finding and selecting a strategist, subscribing to their bots, and setting up auto copy.

To start Bot Copy Trading on Bitget, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Bitget Account.

  2. Head to Bot Copy Trading and click 'Find a strategist'.

  3. Browse through our selected list of strategists. We offer 2 options for you when following a strategist: purchase one bot or subscribe to them. Take your time to comb through their track records before arriving at a decision.

  4. You can click on the avatar to enter their profile page for a more detailed overview of their performance. Apart from the number of bots they have sold and the number of subscribers they have, you'll also find:

    • Assets: the total value of all assets in their spot and future accounts.

    • P/L Statistics: their profit/loss history in the last 7 days.

    • Ongoing Bots: their active spot and futures bots with ROI, P/L, Runtime, No. of copiers, and price (if that bot is open to non-subscribers).

    • Strategy History: all their inactive bots. You'll see their overall performance through bear and bull.

    • Subscribers' Profit: all the profit their bots have made for their subscribers.

  5. With all these statistics at hand, you can now contemplate which strategist you would like to put your money on and how. You can either purchase one or several bots of your choosing - we will get to this later in 'Purchasing Bots' - or subscribe to strategists to have access to all their active bots for 30 days. Some of their bots may not be open to non-subscribers, so choose wisely.

  6. To subscribe to a strategist, click 'Subscribe' on their profile page. You'll be taken to a page where all payment details are displayed on the left, and what type of bots they have and all their active trading pairs, both spot and futures, on the right. Turn on 'Auto Renewal' if you decide to keep following this strategist. Click 'Pay' and enter your funding password to finish your subscription.
  7. Well done! Their carefully crafted bots are all yours now. Click 'Use auto copy now' on the prompt to enter the settings page. You can turn on 'Auto Copy', sit back and relax while these bots start generating profits for you. If you know what you're doing, you can also turn off 'Auto Copy' and set your own parameters.

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