Bitget P2P Now Supports AUD, MYR, PLN, KES, NPR, GHS, EGP, UGX, MAD and AZN Currencies!
2023-02-22 04:3143141
Global Bitgetters,
We have upgraded our
P2P Trading platform to support even more fiat currencies!
Bitget P2P now supports
AUD, MYR, PLN, KES, NPR, GHS, EGP, UGX, MAD and AZN currencies!
Purchase USDT with your local currencies using your local payment methods from anywhere on
Bitget P2P. We will be launching P2P services in other countries/regions soon
If you wish to become one of our merchants, please click
here to submit your application. We will contact you by email as soon as possible
For any P2P questions, please email us at anytime!