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Where & how to buy ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) in Lesotho

Updated on:  2024/12/01 00:21:10(UTC+0)
Bitget is legally accessible in Lesotho. You can buy ConstitutionDAO in Lesotho through Bitget.
In this tutorial, we will discuss:
Where and how to buy ConstitutionDAO in Lesotho
Alternative methods to obtain ConstitutionDAO in Lesotho
Methods to obtain ConstitutionDAO for free
What are the applications of ConstitutionDAO in Lesotho
Market stats to assist in determining optimal times for purchasing ConstitutionDAO
How to safely store your ConstitutionDAO
How to withdraw ConstitutionDAO

Where and how to buy ConstitutionDAO in Lesotho

Investing in ConstitutionDAO has never been easier. Simply sign up on Bitget, complete the identity verification process, and make payments using bank transfers, debit cards, or credit cards, all while ensuring security through crypto wallets. This is a widely adopted method to buy ConstitutionDAO. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to buy ConstitutionDAO on Bitget.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1: Create a Bitget account.

Sign up and download the Bitget app to start your journey on Bitget.

Step 2: Complete Bitget's identity verification.

Kindly verify your identity to ensure full compliance and enhance your Bitget experience.
You can access the identity verification page, fill out your country, upload your ID documents, and submit your selfie. You will receive a notification once your identity has been successfully verified.

Step 3: Place a ConstitutionDAO order through any of the various payment options provided.

Credit/Debit card: For Visa/Mastercard, select Credit/Debit card and then click Add New Card in the Buy Crypto tab.
Complete your payment on Bitget App image 1Credit/Debit in the Buy Crypto tab of the Bitget app
Enter the bank card details to complete your payment on Bitget Website image 1Credit/Debit in the Buy Crypto tab of the Bitget website
Select your preferred fiat currency, enter the amount you wish to spend, link your credit card, and then complete your payment with zero fees.
Complete your payment on Bitget App image 2Add a new card to complete your payment on the Bitget app
Enter the bank card details to complete your payment on Bitget Website image 2Enter your bank card details to complete your payment on the Bitget website
For Diners Club/Discover card, click Buy Crypto > [Third Party] in the top navigation bar to place your ConstitutionDAO order.
How to buy crypto with credit/debit card
Google Pay and Apple Pay: Turning your Google Pay and Apple Pay balance into ConstitutionDAO is easy and secure on Bitget. Click Buy Crypto > [Third Party] in the top navigation bar to place your ConstitutionDAO order.
How to buy crypto via third-party gateway
Buy ConstitutionDAO via bank transfer: We accept iDeal and SEPA for EUR payments, PIX for BRL payments, PayID for AUD payments, UPI for INR payments, QRIS, DANA, and OVO for IDR payments, SPEI for MXN payments, and Gcash for PHP payments. Services are provided by the AlchemyPay, Banxa, Mercuryo, and Simplex payment gateways. Select Buy Crypto > [Third Party] in the top navigation bar, then select a fiat currency to place your ConstitutionDAO order.
How to buy crypto on Bitget P2P
Buy ConstitutionDAO with your Bitget account fiat balance: You can Deposit fiat funds with Advcash, SEPA, Faster Payments, or PIX payment gateways to top up your Bitget fiat balance. Then, click Buy Crypto > [Cash conversion] in the top navigation bar to place your ConstitutionDAO order.
Zero-fee P2P trading: With Bitget P2P, you can buy crypto with over 100 payment methods, including bank transfer, cash, and e-wallets like Payeer, Zelle, Perfect Money, Advcash, and Wise. Just place an order, pay the seller, and you'll get your crypto. Enjoy secured transactions using escrow.

Step 4:Monitor ConstitutionDAO in your Bitget spot account

If you've chosen to purchase ConstitutionDAO on Bitget, your ConstitutionDAO will be instantly credited to your Bitget spot account upon payment completion. You can click Assets located on the top right corner of the page to check your assets. Additionally, you can buy, deposit, convert, trade, and withdraw them.
Check your Assets
Check your assets

Alternative methods to obtain ConstitutionDAO in Lesotho

In addition to purchasing ConstitutionDAO directly, there are numerous other ways to obtain ConstitutionDAO.

Convert crypto to ConstitutionDAO with Bitget Convert

Bitget Convert offers a secure, swift, and zero transaction fee method to convert crypto to ConstitutionDAO. Just choose your available crypto assets, specify the amount for the ConstitutionDAO swap, confirm, and check ConstitutionDAO instantly credited to your spot account. Ensure sufficient account balance before proceeding with the conversion.
Bitget Convert Preview
Bitget Convert preview

Swap on-chain assets to ConstitutionDAO with Bitget Swap

Unlike buying or selling crypto, swapping does not access traditional financial rails since fiat currencies are not involved. Bitget Swap supports over 250,000 cryptocurrencies on 30 major blockchains including Ethereum, Polygon, and Solana. You can exchange any other crypto to ConstitutionDAO anytime, anywhere, including cross-chain transactions. Transaction gas fees are automatically converted.
Click Trade > [Bitget Swap] in the top navigation bar to swap any other cryptocurrency for ConstitutionDAO.

Methods to obtain ConstitutionDAO for free

Using real money to buy ConstitutionDAO is not the only way to obtainConstitutionDAO. If you have the time to allocate, you can get ConstitutionDAO for free.
Learn how to earn ConstitutionDAO for free through the Learn2Earn promotion
Earn free ConstitutionDAO by inviting friends to join Bitget's Assist2Earn promotion
Receive free ConstitutionDAO airdrops by joining On-going challenges and promotions
All crypto airdrops and rewards can be converted to ConstitutionDAO through Bitget Convert, Bitget Swap, or Spot Trading.
Note: Want to keep tabs on coin prices? Visit our Coin prices directory or ConstitutionDAO Price Page and bookmark them to stay updated!
ConstitutionDAO Price Now:
The live ConstitutionDAO price today is $0.06000 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $2603141.88 USD. We update our PEOPLE to USD price in realtime. PEOPLE is 6.60% in the last 24 hours.
Are you planning to buy PEOPLE?
See if other users are buying PEOPLE:

Buy ConstitutionDAO in a different country

A selection of popular ConstitutionDAO buying regions.
A welcome pack of 6200 USDT for new Bitgetters!

How to buy ConstitutionDAO in other countries?

You can easily buy ConstitutionDAO (ConstitutionDAO) with the lowest fees and highest security wherever Bitget is available. Select your country in the search box below to start buying ConstitutionDAO in your preferred location:
This information is manually updated. If you come across any inaccuracies, please inform us at Last checked on 2024-12-01.

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A welcome pack of 6200 USDT for new Bitgetters!

What can you do with ConstitutionDAO?

Now that you've secured your share of the digital revolution, it's time to take the next steps. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, explore our advanced trading features, like margin trading and futures trading, to amplify your potential returns. Keep an eye on the market through our intuitive interface and real-time charts, helping you seize opportunities as they arise. Consider staying ahead of market trends with Bitget's insightful educational resources, providing you with the knowledge you need to make informed trading decisions. Your crypto journey has just begun. With Bitget, you're positioned to navigate the exciting world of cryptocurrencies with confidence. And remember, our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you on your journey, addressing any queries you might have.

Store/Hold ConstitutionDAO

Many users hold on to their ConstitutionDAO with the expectation of it increasing in value. You can store your PEOPLE safely on your Bitget account or on our crypto wallet app BG Wallet, the most user-friendly and secure mobile wallet.


Trade ConstitutionDAO

You can trade ConstitutionDAO for 150+ cryptocurrencies on Bitget’s industry-leading, fast, and secure trading platform. Bitget offers many trading pairs for ConstitutionDAO trading to meet your needs.


Send ConstitutionDAO

Yes, Bitget allows you to easily transfer value around the world, fast. You can buy ConstitutionDAO online and send to anyone and anywhere with their ConstitutionDAO address.


Spend ConstitutionDAO

You can also buy goods and services with your ConstitutionDAO. More and more vendors and retailers accept ConstitutionDAO every day.


Donate ConstitutionDAO

Bitget Charity accepts ConstitutionDAO donations for global projects that aim to improve the lives of people in the bottom billion. You can donate ConstitutionDAO so no one misses out on the growth made possible by blockchain.


Learn More About ConstitutionDAO

You can read more in-depth articles on ConstitutionDAO from Bitget Research and study how cryptocurrencies like ConstitutionDAO work on Bitget Academy

Market stats to assist in determining optimal times for purchasing ConstitutionDAO

Maybe you just need to know more about it. Let us briefly guide you through the most interesting ConstitutionDAO facts from our Bitget Academy articles. Learn why people buy ConstitutionDAO today!

What is ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE)?

ConstitutionDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that was established in 2021 on the Ethereum blockchain with the sole purpose of purchasing the original copy of the US Constitution. The DAO raised almost USD 50 million but failed to win the Sotheby's auction anyway. So the team promised to refund contributors, not taking transaction fees into account. The refunding process has been very messy, partly due to the high transaction costs on Ethereum.

How ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) Works

ConstitutionDAO was created to raise money to buy the US Constitution, and when it lost the bid, the money was refunded. The team announced on the website that the project ended. For now, PEOPLE, the native token of the DAO, has no utilities other than being redeemable for ETH at the same rate as when the crowdfunding happened.

How Many ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) Tokens Are in Circulation?

There are 5.06 billion PEOPLE tokens in total and all of them are in circulation.

How to Buy ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE)

Consider investing in ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE)? It only takes 2 minutes to create an account on Bitget and start trading PEOPLE.

Check out the available PEOPLE trading pairs on Bitget!

Futures market


Spot market


ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) Resources

Official Website

Official Twitter

Buy ConstitutionDAO in Lesotho with Bitget

How to safely store your ConstitutionDAO

After purchasing your ConstitutionDAO, you have several options for managing it. You can store it in your personal crypto wallet or keep it in your Bitget account. Some investors choose to hold onto their ConstitutionDAO for long-term growth. For enhanced security and risk management of your PEOPLE assets, consider using Bitget Wallet, known for its top-tier protection supported by Suntwin Technology, Qingsong Cloud Security, HEAP, and Armors.
Here's how you can manage your PEOPLE on Bitget:
1. Storing your ConstitutionDAO:
  • Sign up and transfer PEOPLE to your Bitget account.
  • Alternatively, use Bitget Wallet as a self-custody solution for your PEOPLE.
2. Trading and earning:
Trade ConstitutionDAO for other cryptocurrencies or stake PEOPLE on Bitget Earn to earn passive income.
Sign up now to benefit from secure ConstitutionDAO management with Bitget.

How to withdraw ConstitutionDAO with Bitget's hassle-free withdrawal process

Using an exchange is one of the most convenient methods to cash out your ConstitutionDAO or other crypto, and Bitget stands out as an excellent choice. With its user-friendly Buy/Sell buttons, Bitget simplifies the experience, allowing you to intuitively select the cryptocurrency you want to sell and specify the sell amount.
When it comes to withdrawing the ConstitutionDAO you've acquired, Bitget offers a seamless experience. Enjoy competitive fees, a flexible minimum withdrawal threshold, and lightning-fast delivery times within 24 hours, ensuring your is readily available for you.

Landlocked Lesotho, often known as the Kingdom of Lesotho, is an exclave of South Africa. South African rand (R) and Lesotho loti (L) are the country's official currencies. The total population of Lesotho is 2,180,967 (2022). It takes less than 10 minutes to buy ConstitutionDAO(PEOPLE) and other cryptocurrencies in Lesotho using the Bitget peer-to-peer network and other methods of crypto deposit.

English and Southern Sotho are both official languages in Lesotho. Both the Bitget website and app are available in English.

Beautiful cities like Maseru, Teyateyaneng, Mafeteng, Hlotse, and many others can be found in Lesotho. The greatest cryptocurrency trading platform in Lesotho is Bitget exchange, no matter where you are.


The climate of Lesotho is typically categorized as temperate with alpine features. The nation has warm summers and rather chilly winters. Mostly as a result of the greater elevations, temperatures tend to be lower than in other nations at comparable latitudes. The landscape consists primarily of highland plateaus, hills, and mountains. The only country in the world that is entirely over 1,000 meters in altitude is Lesotho. The highest lowest point of any nation in the globe is located there, at 1,400 meters.


Every year on October 4, Lesotho marks the day the country gained independence from the British in 1966 by celebrating Independence Day. The Maluti Mountains, Gates of Paradise Pass, Royal Palace, Maletsunyane Falls, Semonkong, and Liphofung Caves are just a few of the stunning sights in Lesotho. In Lesotho, Bitget is the most popular cryptocurrency exchange.

How do I purchase ConstitutionDAO?
Nowadays, you can purchase and store ConstitutionDAO hassle-free on a CEX like Bitget. You can use your debit/credit card, bank transfer, or perform peer-to-peer trading to buy ConstitutionDAO. You can easily do it on your computer, tablet, iOS, or Android.
Can I buy US$1 worth of ConstitutionDAO?
In theory, ConstitutionDAO can be divided and bought in an amount that is worth US$1, but on Bitget, the minimum order amount on the spot market is limited to US$5.
Can I buy US$10 of ConstitutionDAO?
Yes, can be divided and bought in an amount that is worth US$10. On Bitget, the minimum order amount on the spot market is limited to US$5.
Where else can I buy ConstitutionDAO?
If a token is not available for purchase via the P2P market or debit/credit card. You can place a buy order for it via the spot market.
Where is the best place to buy ConstitutionDAO?
The best place to buy ConstitutionDAO is the exchange that provides hassle-free and secure transactions combined with a convenient interface and high liquidity. Millions of users every day choose Bitget as a trusted crypto purchase platform.
Should I buy ConstitutionDAO right now?
You should make a decision on purchasing or investing in ConstitutionDAO or other tokens after performing your own research and analysis. Bitget provides user-friendly crypto trading and purchasing services. Additional resources such as Bitget Academy and Bitget Insights help users to navigate the current market news and trends.
Cryptocurrency investment activities, including actions done to buy ConstitutionDAO online via Bitget, are subject to market risk. Bitget provides easy and convenient ways for you to buy ConstitutionDAO instantly, and we put our best efforts to fully inform our users about each and every cryptocurrency we offer on the exchange, but we are not responsible for the results that may arise from your ConstitutionDAO purchase. This page and any information in it is not meant to be interpreted as an endorsement of any particular cryptocurrency or method of acquiring it.