Bitget Launches Female-Centric Pitching Competition during DevCon 24' with Access Up to $100K Funding Opportunities![share]()
Press release
![Bitget Launches Female-Centric Pitching Competition during DevCon 24' with Access Up to $100K Funding Opportunities](
Victoria, Seychelles,
2024 –
Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has launched “Pitch n Slay,” a special initiative under its Blockchain4Her program organized to provide exposure for female entrepreneurs in the blockchain space. Building on Bitget’s larger $10 million Blockchain4Her project, the program extends targeted support to promising women-led startups by offering them a chance to secure up to $100,000 in funding by Foresight Ventures. This funding is accompanied by valuable mentorship from experienced professionals in the blockchain industry.
The “Pitch n Slay” program, created in partnership with organizations such as World of Women, Women in Web3, and Bitget Wallet, is structured to offer a pathway for women entrepreneurs to receive the capital, guidance, and exposure necessary to scale their projects. Additional partnerships with Foresight Ventures and Morph highlight Bitget’s emphasis on uniting resources and mentorship from leaders within the blockchain ecosystem.
Throughout the program, selected participants will undergo a rigorous mentorship and development journey. After an initial pitching round, finalists will receive support in market strategy, scaling, and technology, led by industry experts including Gracy Chen, CEO of Bitget, Taya A, CEO of World of Women, Min Xue, Partner of Foresight Ventures, and other prominent Web3 leaders. Hosted on 15th November, in Bangkok, Thailand the “Pitch n Slay” program finalists will present their refined projects to a panel of investors and judges. Out of the shortlisted women-run startups top 3 winners will get grants to further their startup journey. The first winner takes home $5000, the second place will be rewarded with $3000 and the third will get $2000 subsequently. All three will be qualified for further pitching to Foresight Ventures, if the deal goes through each can receive funding up to $100K in pre-seed.
Bitget’s constant focus on supporting women in Web3 is part of its strategy of creating accessible pathways for funding and growth for women entrepreneurs led by
the company's
Gracy Chen "Bitget is a proudly gender-inclusive organization, with over 45% of our management roles held by women. We’re equally committed to fostering an LGBT-friendly culture. Through Blockchain4Her, it’s our honor to support women founders with opportunities for exposure, mentorship, and funding. We’ll continue to expand this platform, creating pathways for growth and amplifying women-led startups in Web3," said Chen.
The Pitch n' Slay initiative directly addresses the underrepresentation of female entrepreneurs in blockchain, providing both the financial and professional support essential for success in a competitive landscape.
Applications are open for eligible women-led startups. For more details, visit the application page
About Bitget
Established in 2018, Bitget is the world's leading
cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 45 million users in 150+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions, while offering real-time access to
Bitcoin price,
Ethereum price, and other cryptocurrency prices. Formerly known as BitKeep,
Bitget Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, token swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more.
Bitget is at the forefront of driving crypto adoption through strategic partnerships, such as its role as the Official Crypto Partner of the World's Top Football League,
LALIGA, in EASTERN, SEA and LATAM market, as well as a global partner of Turkish National athletes
Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion),
Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and
İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team), to inspire the global community to embrace the future of cryptocurrency.
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: Digital asset prices may fluctuate and experience price volatility. Only invest what you can afford to lose. The value of your investment may be impacted and it is possible that you may not achieve your financial goals or be able to recover your principal investment. You should always seek independent financial advice and consider your own financial experience and financial standing. Past performance is not a reliable measure of future performance. Bitget shall not be liable for any losses you may incur. Nothing here shall be construed as financial advice.
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