Your Guide to Blocking and Unblocking Buyers / Sellers on Bitget P2P
On the Bitget P2P mobile app, you can easily block or unblock any specific buyer or seller. Follow these simple steps below.
Step 1: Select a Buyer/Seller
From the P2P market, select the buyer or seller you want to block;
Click the button in the top right corner to go to their [Profile].
Step 2: Block the Buyer/Seller
In the [Profile] section, click the menu button (three dots) in the top right corner.
Select the option to block the buyer or seller from trading with you in P2P.
Step 3: Unblock the Buyer/Seller
To remove someone from your blocklist, click the menu button (three dots) again and go to [P2P Management].
Next, choose [BlackList].
Then, click [Unblock] to remove the buyer or seller from your blacklist.
If you wish to become one of our merchants, please click here to submit your application.
For any P2P questions, feel free to email us at p2p@bitget.com anytime!